How long have you been single?

How long have you been single?

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Probably till the day I die. I don't want some girl to find me attractive only because I've become finacially viable and shes tired being whored out to every guy that looks at her and wants to start a family now.

"In college, mommy was very friendly."


Well-known member
Ever since I split up with my last GF, its been nearly 3 years...heh...
I musta been outta my mind!
**starts rocking back n forth***
(but seriously - the way I see it is that im alone - not lonely)


Active member
I have been single for 20 1/2 years. I will be turning 21 in June. I have a feeling I will always be single. I am just too nervous and quiet when around people.


Well-known member
abooot... 7 months.. buuuuuuut all my previous relationships have been completely ridiculous, and terrible... And the longest one lasted about 5 months.. and two of those months were very very bad.. lol.. O_O

I'd like to have a boyfriend, some time soon. *sigh*


Active member
I am nearly 35 and have been pretty much single. Will probably be for another 35! Woo Hoo, bring it on! :lol: Then again, you never know what is around the corner and that magical understanding patient person who brings you out of your shell will appear and it will be happily ever after. HA, NOT.


Well-known member
i was engaged only once, but she insisted - and when i m not being spontaneous it doest count. By the same method i m discovering that i m still a virgin man.


Well-known member
been single for 28 years (so all my life) isn't it fun-NOT!!! Hopefully this year I'll actually try and get a girlfriend-like go out, maybe try speed dating (god that sounds desperate!!!), try and talk to women I don't know. Its pretty sad when you're this age and never been in a relationship and everyone you know is-married or getting married or been together for years. Now I'm in a right crappy mood-wheres that chocolate :D


Well-known member
I'm in my early 30s and have pretty much been single my whole life. I was in a relationship with a girl for 3 months, but that was a while ago. I've dated around a little bit, but they never lead to anything. I realize my problem is that I don't have much to say. Nothing to talk about. I constantly go over in my head things to talk about, but I can never think of anything.


Well-known member
i have online "girlfriend" for 3 years...that counts?
if not..than 20 a real men. 8)


Well-known member
I'm not overly bothered about GF's rather ANY close friend would be good. Which in that I suppose I have had some progress.


Well-known member
I'm single since my first day on earth, 20 years ago. I think love is overrated and our stupid brains makes us long for it more or less but not everyone would is made for love and relationship. I am a perfect example. I was never made to be liked by any girl. I would find it almost a bit disgusting if a girl would fall in love with me. I hate falling in love, it feels just wrong for me. Damn girl at work were a bit too attractive. I just wish that I never saw her. (-,-)

Just a random question:
Does it seems like men needs woman more than vice versa?


Well-known member
I am single since birth! (I am 21) LOL .... and probably for the rest of my life.
It's because my suitors are either conceited people or perverts!
They say it's because I am too picky but it is not quite true! I am not even looking for an ideal guy.... I just want someone who is decent enough to ask me out. And all those decent guys that I like are either not interested to me, not available or... gay! (I love gays by the way hehe).... and some of them (they say) were intimidated because I don't look friendly or flirty!
Anyway, being single is not really a big deal for me. It's just that my younger sister had a boyfriend and people just kept on asking why i am still single!


Well-known member

I am 25 years old and have been single for 25 years. I live with my parents as many other posters do.

It's to the point now where many female peers have played the field and are ready to settle down or at the least be in a serious relationship. I do not believe I am prepared for either and would be skeptical as to my dedication to something of that nature at this point in my life.

I have passed up opportunities before because I am too picky, but my standards are not above any unrealistic thresh hold. I have nothing to say to people about normal things which seems to turn off a lot of woman who want a secure life and partner who has a solid foundation and is "down to earth".

My main regret is I have never been laid or even kissed a girl let alone had any sort of fruitful high school romances like most everyone else.