I was just listening to some CDs by David DeAngelo, who wrote the book "Double your dating". A lot of it relates to picking up women, and I know the Pickup Artist stuff itself can either excite people or make them roll their eyes. But he does make some good points that I think can explain how some people here think, when it comes to relationships and men/women. I saw some people here had a thread going about similar topics, but it was from a year ago.
Anyhow, he talks a lot about the underlying sexual communication most women pick up on, while most men don't. And how women can sense if you've got that communication or not, very quickly. I think this relates to people here saying they've been "friendzoned". They do not portray the sexual aspect of communication at an early point of meeting their "friend" and therefore remain only a friend rather than a lover.
Another point relates more to a lot of our negative attitudes and beliefs about ourselves. He says that if you believe things are a certain way or you are a certain way, you will do everything you can to prove yourself right about it, versus trying to see things a new way. I've noticed that often reading people's posts, and thinking about myself as well. Even when others suggest ways of helping, we try to say why we're different and it won't help.