Stressed. I've sort of been feeling it for a little while now, but I noticed it last night when I saw the tv I planned to buy on Black Friday went up for sale two days ago and all I had to do was check the computer and would have seen it. I needed a break from constantly looking at the computer constantly...oh the irony

I had to take some deep breaths and remind myself it's just a tv, and that the difference of $50 or even $100 is not the end of the world. That's all true, I'm really adamant about getting a good deal, but in the grand scheme of things it's not the most important thing in the world. It's really only important at all because I decided it was.
I think what really was getting to me is I missed a chance to take something off my plate. On top of the overwhelming process that is wading through Black Friday deals, I also could really use a new desktop for work. Then there is Christmas where I still need to buy my entire family presents and have no good ideas on gifts, in addition to the financial crunch I am putting myself in. That leads into work where I am trying to juggle a lot of income streams and currently a lot of potential new streams that would help, but require my attention.
On the non-money side of my plate I then have the holidays in general. First is Thanksgiving, in which I have committed myself to running a Turkey Trot with my sister. It's a bit of a long run which I don't feel prepared for, not to mention road races are a people-thing that I haven't done in a while. Then there's Thanksgiving itself, where I don't think my family has made any food plans. This would be ok if that TV I wanted didn't go on sale on thanksgiving.
Then my Birthday is two weeks after that, which I always find much more stressful than enjoyable. My dad is going to bring my car to have it's seasonal tires switch which is a relief, but then I have to have cake and food. And then my girlfriend has a "surprise" that I am worried about. I am sure she means well, but what makes the holidays stressful is being prepared for surprises. Like what if she does something I definitely don't want like propose? Or like, "Surprise, I got you a threesome!" Both well-meaning, but not what I want.
Then there is the actual process of Christmas, and all the different plans. I don't have an excuse of "I have to work" this year, so it'd be hard for me to avoid most of it. The idea of explaining how I am paying the bills, or when I am going to get a haircut, or move out of my parents house - well, I just don't see that as enjoying the holidays. It's just making conversation, but I don't have any great things to talk about right now.
Then there is the new year, where I have to tackle my taxes. In the past it was just filling out one or two incomes and claiming my health insurance and student loans. This year it's going to be like 5 incomes that are not straightforward and I had to manage throughout the year. I know I will either have to stress through it myself, or stress myself out on going to a professional to help me.
Then between February and March I have three more birthdays, an anniversary, and Valentines day all over a 5 week span. Oh, and I can't forget I will have a fresh batch of bills to pay at the start of the new year. And there is the process of figuring out my health insurance, because, well, it sucks. My state penalizes you if you don't have it, but the cheapest plan is too expensive for something I literally haven't used in three years.
I just wish it was April already :crying: