I been away a long time but I haven't been doing good. First of all I haven't been helping myself as much as I should for many reasons. This has been leading to boredom lately. Any advice?
Sorry for taking so long in replying, sometimes I lose track of posts.
So yea, I can definitely identify with your post. I feel angry with the world and society in general a lot of the time. I feel as though people in general have such double standards. Most people preach the politically correct talk, but very few actually practice it. I like to try at least. I see so many people just treating others like s h i t, not being honest with each other, being two faced etc. Sometimes they even come to me and 'confide' in me that they don't like this person for this or that reason, but are then nice to their face.
I really f u c k i n g hate that. I guess thats what leads me to my anger and resentment for people in general. What keeps my faith (so to speak) is I know there is the odd individual who genuinely tries to be a good person.
I think I'm in a similar situation to you as far as friends - or lack of - goes. I know my social skills aren't great, but I think for me it's because I'm simply not interested in people's bull s h i t.
I really couldn't care less if Johnny's Fathers Aunt's sisters nephew's third cousin's daughter bought a cat.
Funny thing is, I've had quite a few people tell me I'm good to talk to, a funny guy etc etc.. but I think that's more when it's one on one conversation. Put me in a group in a social situation... ugh!
Anyways, currently I have been trying hard to fit in, without being untrue to myself. With - might I add - little results to speak of. Boredom can be a problem at times, so I try to do something that I can get SOME enjoyment out of.
I like beach combing especially during or after rough/stormy weather. So I try to get out and do that when the opportunity comes along.
I like the cinema - even going by myself. Although there hasn't been many movies I actually want to see lately.
I like exploring on my bike, hiking, music, playing the drums just to name a few more. About a month ago I went up into a town in the Adelaide hills called 'Stirling'. It was a cool overcast day, almost raining, more like a drizzle at times. But I just walked about the town, on the surrounding tracks through the forest and just explored. I really enjoyed it. The only thing that would have made it better would have been to have a friend to enjoy it with. Someone who we know and accept & support each other as friends.
What are some things you like to do? Or maybe have thought of doing but never have? I think it's easy to start small. With something simple.
One thing I have learnt is, the hardest part is starting - or to get the ball rolling.