How are you feeling?

Ah wish ah hud a better means of coping, instead of this "Wheesht an get oan wae it" mentality. Cuz everything goin' wrong around me, and yet, ah dinnae feel aw that bothered by that. Is cold an cruel of me to treat ma dysfunctional family with the same emotional detachment as ma parents did me? :question:
^ I just wrote a lengthy reply to this and I accidently knocked my keyboard and it is gone, and I can't completely remember what I said! :crying: :kickingmyself:

um........If you can't help using the only way you were brought up with by your parents, then I don't believe it is your fault, Graeme.
The influence of the behaviours we absorbed from out parents should not be underestimated, and it is sometimes very difficult to go against this and change, in my opinion.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
^ I just wrote a lengthy reply to this and I accidently knocked my keyboard and it is gone, and I can't completely remember what I said! :crying: :kickingmyself:

um........If you can't help using the only way you were brought up with by your parents, then I don't believe it is your fault, Graeme.
The influence of the behaviours we absorbed from out parents should not be underestimated, and it is sometimes very difficult to go against this and change, in my opinion.

That's true... But ah want to change, though.

While keepin' quiet an internalising ma feelings isn't the best coping stategy, it's better than riskin' a verbal berating by my mum.

^ I really like this.

Me too. More so, because ah cun relate to it.


Well-known member
^ I hope you have started to feel not so doomed now - 12 hours since your post. If not........ I know E-hugs don't actually do much, but at least you know someone has "heard" your cry of despair.


Aawww, thank you!
Really, thank you.

I cried before falling asleep.

Today I feel physically ill but maybe my mood is slightly better, yes I think it is. I found some good radio documentaries that I can listen to, instead of listening to my own depressed thoughts.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Just reflectin' oan how ma life hasn't exactly gone tha way ah'd hoped.

Dreadin' the comin' months, dinnae think everythin' will go as planned during ma surgeries next year. :sad: Plus, ah huv a incline that, either ma mum or ma oldest sister are gonnae resort to their usual emotional blackmail tactics, if ah stand ma ground an tell 'em that am daein this for me oan ma terms.

Since ma mum doesnae want me to move out after ah huv tha surgeries, despite me makin' it clear that that's ma endgame, so tae speak. An ma family don't like it when ah stand up for myself, they see me as a threat - whit with me being a big, baldy, bearded f**ker who looks like ah could set aboot ye.
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Well-known member
OF course any other time shes upstair but when I need to use the house phone shes down here just to listen to me talk ugh


Well-known member
I'm so uncomfortable at work. It's making me miserable. Everything is, actually. I want to disappear.

Tell me about it! I've wanted to disappear for I'd say...carry the least infinity years now. Yeah I think that's about right. Infinity years. :D


Well-known member
I don't know whether to feel more angry or hurt. Im sick of giving people my everything and being hurt and abandoned in return. I wish i could just stop feeling.


Well-known member
I actually did disappear although it was only for a short time. I was chatting with the often inappropriate shop owner and was preparing to leave when a female entered the shop. At that moment I became totally invisible to him as he devoted all his attention to her. The odd thing is that I found myself in a beautiful place. It was an extraordinary sensation to in reality be visible but for all other purposes be invisible. The relaxation was total. I'm trying to replicate it.....bliss.