How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Taken advantage of yet again, but as usual I'm the bad yin... Effin' hate how ma family treat me. :kickingmyself:

Oh and it turns out that how I was feelin' the other day...
Freaking out...
... was all for nothing. Still don't particularly like hospitals, though. :giggle:


Well-known member
I hate being me. Sometimes I get so embarrassed about my lack of friends/a social life that I feel I'm being smothered and there's no way of escaping. I don't understand how he's been able to move on so easily and quickly. He has her living with him and they even got a new pet together. It sickens me. He is trying to be loyal and good to her but why? I deserved that so much more than her. He couldn't have had any feelings for me at all. He lied so many times and I made my heart so vulnerable. I think about the first half of summer, how I spent it with him. Everything was perfect, I was so alive and free, driving around in the beautiful sun. Now I can't even feel the sun, the last half of my favorite, treasured season has slipped through my fingers and I don't even feel like s person. I want to be happy again, this is all a nightmare.