How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I think a girl smiled at me this morning but I didn't smile back. Wasn't sure if she was actually smiling at me or at someone behind me. Meh.

silent k

Well-known member
so frustrated. i just don't get how some people seem to live off of other peoples pain with no shame. or maybe they do feel ashamed but have some way of detaching from those feelings. i don't know, it blows my mind, will somebody please just pull the plug

i have the perfect song for how i feel, and would post it if i new how to get a video from u tube to here. i own a mac by the way.

thank u kind souls i wish u endless amounts of love and trust. what else do we need?
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Awesome. Actually... was because I felt better just getting outta the house. Blasting music in the car.

Blasting music in my car is very cathartic for me. When I would drive to school, it would take an hour there and an hour back and I always loved it. My wallet disagreed, but I would drown him out with the music. ;)


Well-known member
feeling aggressive-aggressive. i want to sleep but it's too early. just ate delicious home cooked leftovers. about to have a delicious salad. glad i am NOT at work. you care. :p


Well-known member
feeling aggressive-aggressive. i want to sleep but it's too early. just ate delicious home cooked leftovers. about to have a delicious salad. glad i am NOT at work. you care. :p

did the earthquake make something fall on you?

I hope you're ok

i care

silent k

Well-known member
feeling aggressive-aggressive. i want to sleep but it's too early. just ate delicious home cooked leftovers. about to have a delicious salad. glad i am NOT at work. you care. :p

wow, i can relate to all of that. my least favorite is the aggressive aggressive feeling. sometimes its all i can do not to break something or punch myself in the head. on a lighter note though, those sound like some tasty food treats. and yes i do care. if ever want to chat, don't hesitate to say hi :) :) :) :)


Well-known member
there was an earthquake? i felt it but i thought it was a large person stomping by, a train, or bus (i am not being mean, this is really what they feel like. you tend to dismiss them as these things). thanks for caring :)
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Well-known member
THe earthquake was small. Thanks for caring about ME TOO coyote! ='(

Sorry Dottie go smash something. Yell loud.

No but =D Anyways... BORED. Lots to do next few weeks but... just feel eh, too much time inbetween my classes now, = too much time home = too much thinking = too much negative = feeling meh.


Well-known member
Broken, but doing well in spite of this. Frightened that this windown I have opened for myself will close.
I was feeling very tensed when I woke up, I had to go to an appointment.
I felt terribly anxious, when I returned home, I took a shower, now my tension is reducing a bit.. I'm glad I can feel relaxed again a little. :)


Well-known member
Things aren't very good at the moment. I have just started a new job and I think that it is going to send my depression into overdrive, if it hasn't done so already.

What am I doing? Why am I here? I have been alone all my life. If this is what it is going to be like for the rest of it, I think that I would rather be dead.

I have never had a healthy equal relationship in my life, only relationships based upon co-dependency. I just want to experience being happy for once, instead of being anxious all the time and bored. All my life, I have focused on getting "through things". I got bullied at school and I focused on "getting through it" as i though after leaving school life would be better. But then I hit Uni and my SA really ramped up. People look at me and think that "'re weird"::(:


Trying to hold on to the remnants of my positive vibe from the past few days. Keyword: trying.


Well-known member
Feeling out of harmony with existence and the universe due to my slothfulness!
I've just come to the realization that laziness is the number one enemy to ones self esteem.
A lil nervous, I'm going to fitness with a friend, but hey I'm looking forward to it as well, will be fun :) I'm feeling happy too, because I'm creating a new song with a beat producer , yayyay:D


Well-known member
Feeling out of harmony with existence and the universe due to my slothfulness!
I've just come to the realization that laziness is the number one enemy to ones self esteem.

I know that feeling all too well... easy to get into this mode. I mean... this is me right this morn:


A lil nervous, I'm going to fitness with a friend, but hey I'm looking forward to it as well, will be fun :) I'm feeling happy too, because I'm creating a new song with a beat producer , yayyay:D

Awesome! Congrats sounds cool. You're new song will be beautiful like the rest of your songs =D

BUT I am trying to stop the feelings of feeling of being crushed by the overwhelming wave of the next few weeks; the class projects and stuff before graduating. Need to do lots of planning today but feel... well, like that lemur pic. lol.
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