How are you feeling?


IMO, that looks like the cover for a horrible (or insanely awesome) romance novel.

I'm happy. And I'm happy that others in this thread are happy. Happy all around.


Well-known member
Not too good at the moment. I lost my job about two weeks ago and I was supposed to be starting temp work this week, but the agency hasn't called me.

All I have thought about in the last few days has been running away to Australia, but I don't know if that will make things any better. I had planned to go to Australia in September, but I don't know if I can wait that long. I assumed that I would easily be able to find a temporary job, but it is proving to be a bit of a challenge at the moment with the way the New Zealand economy is.

I was doing quite well a couple of weeks ago when I still had my job. I had lots of friends at work, I was focussed, I had the opportunity to have a few conversations with a girl that I have had a crush on for the last few years. I still spend my weekends alone and locked up in my room, but I had developed social relationships at work and it is what got me through the weeks and months.

Now I have lost my stability, my social relationships and I can feel my depression getting stronger. My flatmates are starting to annoy me, I am sick to death with living with weird video game geeks, it is not helping me in anyway. I have nothing in common with them, but two weeks ago that wasn't a problem as I had other people to talk to.

I seem to be getting grumpier and lots of little things are starting to get to me. I will probably go for a run and go to the gym tomorrow as I will need to get out of my flat and sedate myself with endorphins, it is about the only thing that helps get me through. But the days are slowing down and I feel like I am just 'waiting' my way through life. It is a horrible feeling, and I used to feel like this all the time a few years ago at the height of my depression. As the months and years passed, my situation got a bit brighter and I thought I was finally approaching some sense of normalcy and I had caught up to others, I thought that I might get some friends outside work and get a girlfriend finally. But in light of what has happened, I now feel like I was five years ago.

Sorry to rant and I apologise for all the negativity, I just needed to get it out ::(:


Well-known member
Have alot of anticipation, and worry for later on today.

Why are these things so difficult to do. Why cant life just be easy for us. Why can we not be 'normal'. Where is the happiness with living with this condition....

I dont want to go but i have to makes me feel sick the thoughts of this. So worried and there is nothing at alk i can do. Nothing but only drink or take pescription drugs to feel slightly better.....why are the good things so bad?

Im tired of dreading these things when i should be allowed to enjoy them. I have done nothing to deserve this...i have only been a good person to everyone in my life. Why do all the good people have such a hard time when the bad people can get away with it...

Why why why ???????????


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Depressed, bitter, frustrated and angry. And alone.

I'm tired of trying to articulate how I'm feeling because I feel no-one cares anymore. Everytime I try opening up to my family about my struggle with depression I'm always left feeling rejected. My mum doesn't seem to care about it because it ends up with us arguing all the time - like last night. She doesn't take me seriously anyway, just laughs in my face like everything I say is a joke. So what the point?

Sorry, just had to get this out - I'm not doing great at the moment. ::(:


Well-known member
I feel damn good. :D Guess the consistent exercise, hydration, sunlight, eating well, and vitamins are starting to work their magic.

I think I'll even go for a day time walk without hiding behind a jacket


Good I feel like I had a bit of a breakthrough In therapy the other day. It's one thing to be told something, it's another thing to experience it and have it sink in.

Fighting my problems is like a roller coaster ride, so many ups and downs. But I need to keep pushing forward and not get complacent.


Well-known member
Have alot of anticipation, and worry for later on today.

Why are these things so difficult to do. Why cant life just be easy for us. Why can we not be 'normal'. Where is the happiness with living with this condition....

I dont want to go but i have to makes me feel sick the thoughts of this. So worried and there is nothing at alk i can do. Nothing but only drink or take pescription drugs to feel slightly better.....why are the good things so bad?

Im tired of dreading these things when i should be allowed to enjoy them. I have done nothing to deserve this...i have only been a good person to everyone in my life. Why do all the good people have such a hard time when the bad people can get away with it...

Why why why ???????????

Honey aww what can i do to cheer u up? Tell me i will do it? I asked me many many times why is like that. I don't find any answer for it. I think we can just ask round and round and we never find answer for those question "why"?

I hope u will feel soon much more better u are an amazing girl and u try your best i know u do i read a lot of your post and i know u are also good person. I wish u the best. I don't know u at all but i can say i'm sure u are good person. No matter u have also bad sides everyone have some. We are just a humans. We must learn to cope with live which we have even if is not a good live and have a lot of down feeling parts. I'm not the right person thought coz i feel often very bad by myself. Friend of mine was asking me " Why u are doing this to yourself"? I don't know answer. She also said "I have to fight hard" to change things. Well she is healthy:( I would say people what never been trough don't understand it at all. They can't. But she was right! ;)


Well-known member
I feel damn good. :D Guess the consistent exercise, hydration, sunlight, eating well, and vitamins are starting to work their magic.

I think I'll even go for a day time walk without hiding behind a jacket

:D That's so good to hear EscapeArtist! U are an inspiration! ::p:
I feel a bit trapped. I need some money to expand and refine the the functionality of my room, but I wont have any available till next month. I had/have to give back the money I loaned for the this new computer.

Luckily next month I'll be done with it, and can finally use the money for more practical purposes. Well -that-, and a few new games to put this computer through its paces, of course. :B