How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Left my job today. No card, no thank you. Its a big company, leavers don't always get things, but the popular ones do. Needless to say, I didn't. Oh well! I'VE LEFT! Its a great feeling.

Also kinda hmmmm about something I saw. A status in fact. Was it directed at me? I guess I'll never know.... but hmm. I hate paranoia.


Well-known member
anxiety keeping me awake at almost 2:30 AM (been up since 9 am and only got like 5 hours of sleep). good thing i don't have anything to be awake for tomorrow...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
It's my birthday today, 23 years old. Yet I still feel I've not matured beyond my mid-teens. I still don't know what to do, or what I want to do, with my life - which is depressing. ::(: I don't make a big deal about birthdays anymore.


Well-known member
I'm afraid that i'm moving to slow.. I feel like i'm not strong enough to get past anything in life.. I just want to roll over and die..


Well-known member
It's my birthday today, 23 years old. Yet I still feel I've not matured beyond my mid-teens. I still don't know what to do, or what I want to do, with my life - which is depressing. ::(: I don't make a big deal about birthdays anymore.

::p: Happy birthday to youuu all happiness and improvement by your feelings soonest as possible!


Well-known member
Its weird, lately i experience quite fast mood swings. Like I am feeling relatively "happy", full of energy and half an hour later i feel totally miserable and drained. Of course, all this happens in the confined space of my room, so no matter what it is, it will always be bad.


Well-known member
Been really tired the past week and a half and I don't know why. Switching around my sleep schedule and actually sleeping at night? Depression sucking the life out of me again? Finally developing that hypothyroidism that nests in my family tree?

And I've been constantly hungry, too. Maybe I'm getting ready to hibernate?

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Left my job today. No card, no thank you. Its a big company, leavers don't always get things, but the popular ones do. Needless to say, I didn't. Oh well!

"Twiggle - even though I didn't actually work with you, I know the place won't be the same without you. Good luck for the future!" - Rembrandt :D

Everyone should get a card when they leave, unless they're a complete arse which I'm sure you're not. What a mean-spirited bunch you must have worked with. You are well rid of them.

I'VE LEFT! Its a great feeling.

Isn't it? It's like being released from prison. :)


Well-known member
"Twiggle - even though I didn't actually work with you, I know the place won't be the same without you. Good luck for the future!" - Rembrandt :D

Everyone should get a card when they leave, unless they're a complete arse which I'm sure you're not. What a mean-spirited bunch you must have worked with. You are well rid of them.

Isn't it? It's like being released from prison. :)

Awww, thank you :D That made me smile, you're very kind!

Yeah not receiving a card came across as embarassing evidence that I was barely noticed but, I'm moving on now and I'll be stronger for it. I just think that at the very least my supervisors could have said "thank you".

It does feel a bit like having left prison, but mind you, unemployment has its disadvantages. I've felt really depressed today. Negative thoughts spiralling around my head. Worried about something in particular making me paranoid causing me to feel really sad and replay events and words from nearly a year ago over and over in my head trying to ascertain their meaning. I don't understand some people. They're complex. Therefore I can never be sure about my thoughts even when I consider them to be rational.

Tempted to hit the wine just so I can stop thinking about it for a bit but that was always how I coped. I like to think I've been gradually getting better lately so maybe its time to prove that by denying the alcohol.


Well-known member
By the way. If anybody is reading this and wants to talk about a problem in 100% confidentiality at the moment (i.e doesn't even want to start a thread for it in case somebody finds it) then consider this post as an invitation for you to privately message me. Been thinking about myself a lot today and its not helping me, I need to take my mind off things and would love to help somebody in the process x

silent k

Well-known member
having sinus issues, and its a relatively hot day. what a coincidence, seeing how i was just bragging about how great the weather is around here yesterday. also feeling a little exposed, because of my ridiculous rap game i showed to the world yesterday. but whatever it was fun and ill do it again, no reason for regrets. I'm actually kind of proud of myself for not erasing it afterwards like i usually would
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silent k

Well-known member
think I'm on a roll, but i think its gotta wait. sayin all i know, i just gotta get away from me, gotta get away from me!

send me a private message if u feel this for whatever reason, thanks