How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Yes:D Good Idea talk to her! Leaving campus isn't meaning she don't want to be your friend anymore. I'm pretty sure u will soon discover what is going on. Head up!

I talked to her today. I have no doubt that she doesn't want to be my friend still, but she's not being a very good one. Lunch is the only time I see her during the day. When I talked to her she gave me some (most likely) bs excuses about going to the bank one day and skipping 6th period (neither of us have 6th periods, we have 7th periods). That only explains two out of six days she hasn't been at lunch. I'm starting to think it's not even worth it, I have better friends; I just don't ever see them at school at all, which upsets me even more. ::(:


Well-known member
waking up feeling sick and with anger already in blood, to the sound of somebody shredding a tree right outside the garage gate thing...(sleeping in garage) after 3 hours of barely-sleep.... what a rough way to wake.


Well-known member
what a buzz kill EA =( Hate when that kinda stuff wakes me up.

I feel... nervous. And annoyed for lack of communication for this project doing tomorrow-Saturday.


Well-known member
euphoric. the sun was shining today and i picked up my new toy after work! STOKED. now i'm trying to calm myself down with two buck chuck and battlestar gallactica. it's supposed to be some high grade nerd sh!t so i am giving it a try.


Well-known member
^Hmmm....from my experience sleep early at night,remember to certainly have a supper (avoid milk ,gluten and eggs),have a good breakfast tomorrow,have a 15 minute walk in nature before starting your day ,take a stress ease vitamin tablet (if you have any available) and everything will hopefully turn out OK .
Good luck ;)


Well-known member
I think I'm going to start a blog in which to put all my random thoughts, opinions and pictures. I'm excited about it already. Its going to take a lot to get my writing noticed, but even if just my friends can appreciate it, then I'll be happy.


Well-known member
I feel bad...why people lie? Because they want good for them self? Or for people to which they lie... it's hurts feel betrayed that way...


Well-known member
I wish that my desire to be exceptional would finally pass so that I can be happy with mediocrity. Your average person is mediocre, right? Why should I be any better? Today is one of those days where I cannot find positive things about myself. I'll get over it in about a week, though.
Is this the acronym thread?

Another Aardvark Asked Arrestingly About Actual Administrative Aclimitisation Advice AAAAARRRRRRRrrrrgggggggggggggghhh

....aaaah....I give up :b

Nice try; I wouldn't have gotten that far.

I feel stupid. I'm not sure why. It'll come to me eventually.