How are you feeling?


I just noticed that I have 4 broken toes... and I have no idea how I broke them. x__x

How did you notice? Do they hurt or are they mangled or something??

I suppose I'm fairing better. All my appendages are safe and accounted for. :) I'm feeling pretty good today. It's starting to become a trend and I'm excited!

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
well, today was not that bad, not that much anxiety, constant lip biting and knuckle cracking and fidgeting but thats the same as any day, today I was called on in a few different classes. I was able to openly agree with someone, very little but I felt good about it. my permit came in today and it has my birthday a couple years off, I could theoretically go get some cigarettes which I found amusing
little overwhelmed by sensations, i hope i can be calm soon again :)
i just really, really think i am hsp, i just feel so much and it's taking control over my whole body and mind, i hope i can find more balance.
but i'm trying to find some distraction so i don't focus too much on it


Well-known member
my 'perfect' relationship is all but over

maybe i will always be unhappy and i ruin these things. maybe I deserve to be alone.


Well-known member
I felt great yesterday - on a social level not a professional/school level where our group project was rushed and delayed already and bad.

Was up late because felt a good high and woke up today feeling like a blob of bleh. I dont know why. Probably because at home all day. (and not much sleep =)


Well-known member
Feeling kinda drunk !! Had a few drinkies and now im off to sleepies.
Also cant wait for a lie in tomorrow morning..been up early all week so lie in for me 2morrow :)
Actully in a good mood even though i had a tif wit my good mate..:rolleyes: