How are you feeling?


Active member
I had a career change years ago. Even though I am doing OK financially there are days like today where I feel like "The world is passing me by". Instead of being "out there" trying to better myself I am in here doing nothing.

Drew M

Well-known member
Like the sun shining through my window is taunting me that there's a world out there that I don't belong to.


Well-known member
A bit stressed for a class today. We did a to a group project earlier this week; we were late with it, and did poorly and may have held the other groups back we were supposed to view what we did today. But may not due to my group. Ahhh what a great feeling...

lol. But I always think worst possible usually never that bad.


Well-known member
I've been thinking about going to volunteer at an animal adoption center. I love animals, but the thought of it makes me nervous and nauseous. :(

Me toooo... at the cat shelter in the spring, maybe. If I'm feeling up to leaving my room by then, It's within biking distance. They always *always* need volunteers.
yay animals! booooooo people... -___-


Well-known member
I've been thinking about going to volunteer at an animal adoption center. I love animals, but the thought of it makes me nervous and nauseous. :(

From my experience the workers at animal shelters are pretty laid back friendly people, you spend most of your time with the animals anyway :)
Me toooo... at the cat shelter in the spring, maybe. If I'm feeling up to leaving my room by then, It's within biking distance. They always *always* need volunteers.
yay animals! booooooo people... -___-

My mother and I went once right before Christmas and they said they needed regular volunteers, not people that just show up once or twice, like we did. I'll try to go again tomorrow. Maybe I'll have mellowed out by then.


Well-known member
Not too shabby. I did a relaxation session and came out of it feeling light and relaxed, a snsation that has lasted most of the day.