How are you feeling?


Well-known member
lonely. For what? Human relationships obviously aren't what I make them out to be.
Feel also a wanting to be thin again! But, that i'm used to
Guilty/shame, for talking (typing) so much about myself lately

I think a lot of us are guilty of making relationships out to be what they're not. We sometimes don't take into account that we will encounter both good and bad in our relationships. I think that the divorce rate is in part high because people run out on each other when they realize that their relationship will not always consist of happiness.

Talk about yourself all you want. There is no need to feel ashamed or guilty. Some of us lead solitary lives and therefore discuss what we know best. Namely, ourselves, our lives, our interests etc..Others may talk and assume things about other people when they know very little of them so I personally would rather stick with familiar subjects.


Well-known member
SICK to the stomach, but so glad I actually have a job to go to tomorrow, takes mind of things, though I hate the job. And hopefully, I would be finding a new special friend soon *keeps fingers crossed*


Well-known member
A lil weirded out, my mums booked me a dr's appointment but not telling me what day it is. It is this week though im surprisingly calm but still really scared :(


Well-known member
I don't know, what's the mixture of feelings you get when you've just had an offline tiff - anger, guilt, saddness, misunderstood, confusion, resentment. I'm so sick of being in a power struggle where I'm seldom right, where my thoughts are immediately disregarded and I feel its pointless to even try to make improvements. What do I do? Continue on, biting my tongue and scraping what I can out of this? Or do I....? ::(: ::(: ::(:

I really hope you will be feeling better very soon.

I feel sad and really, really disappointed... ::(:


Feeling a bit lonely. I think it's maybe for the best I stay single until I get on top of on my problems but that doesn't stop it being tough sometimes.

I miss making love, I miss affection even more, but neither of them hold a candle to having someone to share life and experiences with..In depth conversations or pillow talk, laughing together and just companionship I guess.
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Well-known member
Feeling a bit lonely. I think it's maybe for the best I stay single until I get a grip on my problems but that doesn't stop it being hard sometimes.

I miss making love, I miss affection even more, but neither of them hold a candle to having someone to share life and experiences with..In depth conversations or pillow talk, laughing together and just companionship I guess.

awww i hope u will have this again as soon as possible:D Nothing is impossible.
And i think u are right with staying alone till u will not feel better inside u. Making relation isnt cure on SA.


Well-known member
Feeling a bit lonely. I think it's maybe for the best I stay single until I get a grip on my problems but that doesn't stop it being hard sometimes.

I miss making love, I miss affection even more, but neither of them hold a candle to having someone to share life and experiences with..In depth conversations or pillow talk, laughing together and just companionship I guess.

right - that's the whole problem with being alone


awww i hope u will have this again as soon as possible:D Nothing is impossible.

Aw thank you I really hope so. I guess the sooner I get to a happier place the sooner I can think about it more seriously.

And i think u are right with staying alone till u will not feel better inside u. Making relation isnt cure on SA.

Very wise words :) Yeah It isn't an instant fix like some people think, that's for sure.


Well-known member
I'm tired of being a bum with no money. I'm tired of just getting by by donating plasma. I'm mad that I've been turning in applications and have only gotten one interview where i didn't get the job. It was like a tease.