How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel bad. Damn near hopeless. I'd probably be completely hopeless if I didn't know why I feel like this. At least I do...
Being about 5 pounds heavier in just a few days, It doesn't help. Also, I learned today that my scale is 10 pounds behind. Which means, I somehow magically went from 125 to 140. Body is changing fast in scary ways, have to stop bad habits. This combination of mental and physical ****tyness has put me in some kind of black hole. So. That's how I feel


Well-known member
Nervous and excited, Just signed up for my first triathlon at Point Walter on Australia Day (26/01/11), doing the Fun Tri (400m, 14k, 3k). Had to do triathlon eventually and I guess the time is now!
I'm feeling great! Listening nice music, chatting. I just dyed my hair blonde, didn't really work out, It's kind of funny ::p: Feeling a positive boost so i don't mind at all :D
Been feeling "distressed" for past few days (and then some). Almost feel like crying or sth.
Stayed up on computer last night on an all-nighter, fueld by coffee and alcohol and music. Went to bed about midday, slept a few hours. Still feeling really bad (bit depresed, but thats probably down to the booze - to be expected).
Now is 4 am, and having another all-nighter. Listening to some of the best-of-the best classic hard rock - Cream, and now Led Zepp. Very escapist & kick-ass, what i need...

Edit: Full moon, & wild/windy/wet weather --> probably "aiding & abetting" my bad mood, but then again "flowng along with" my current .. escapist mood. Thers somthing about a dark windy night, kinda natural, kinda spooky, kinda esapist. Certainly goes along with escapisy music & alcohol.
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Crying is completely futile, also crying men look effeminate, or at least that's what people still think although they would never admit thinking this way. Hippocrisy, what defines people best.