How are you feeling?


Well-known member
This morning I pulled a couple of ticks off from yesterdays field work. Covered in mossie bites.

Finished a 5km run. There was back pain radiating down my into rear end. I was slightly sore but I was able to complete the run.


I hate SA. Even when people are nice to me I push them away, not that I mean to. SA has conditioned me to be afraid of people even when they are nice. SA is a soul destroying illness. It eats you alive and spirals you down into despair


Well-known member
I hate SA. Even when people are nice to me I push them away, not that I mean to. SA has conditioned me to be afraid of people even when they are nice. SA is a soul destroying illness. It eats you alive and spirals you down into despair

yeah i can sympathize.::(:


Well-known member
Not really sure what to feel at the moment. I mean... My boyfriend got pissed off at me because I said I didn't like the voice actors for the new Bayblade Metal Fusion. They just sounded like adults trying to play overly hyper children. Not to mention, one of the characters sounded like his voice actor had just got his script and was just reading them aloud so that he could memorise what he was saying and the dubbing compainy just said "HEY, DIS GAI'S A NATURAL!!1! HE DIDN' EVEN PRACTICE AND HES GUD!1 8B".....

I didn't mention the dubbing company part because I knew James would be even more angry with me than he already is. I wanted to say that this was my opinion, but by then, he just told me to shut up. :/

He gets a lot of passion from hearing the voices from these so-called "children's anime" (I still think they should be for everyone. And yes I DO take them seriously, that's why I hate 95% of dubs for anime. It's very rare for there to be a good one say like Full Metal Alchemist was great!)

I mean, with these anime's supposedly aimed at children, they act as if they don't even try. Is it REALLY so hard to ak your children to do the voices of the characters and not have to do it yourself so you sound completely FAKE?!


I don't even really bother taalking about the dub of Pokemon anymore to him because I know he just loves 4Kids because he thinks they do a good job making the anime they bring over into great shows that teaches kids great things and also, the edits they made were needed!

However I think that's total bullcrap. They change so many unneeded things, like say... by going by 4Kids logic Riceballs are called donuts in America!! x-x No... And even in the later series, they EDIT the riceballs to either look like sandwiches or crackers!! Racist much?

(Video to prove it.)

Oh. In speaking of racist... Take a look at this edit from One Piece and Dragon Ball Z Kai (and mind you, I don't watch One Piece at all, and I stopped watching DBZ right when GT came out, but that doesn't change how much I'm appauled by the fact that they did this, those racist bastards...)

From One Piece. The top is the Japanese version and the bottom, them 4Kids version. Yeah... They changed the guy from Afican American to Caucasian!

Mr. Popo from DBZ. Yeah... He's blue now. HOW long has he been black?! Do you think that nobody would notice?! God 4Kids is stupid (And yes, 4Kids does the dub for DBZ Kai. I know in the past, DBZ was always dubbed by Funimation which I really hope they'll eventually come and fix what 4Kids ruined)... And he isn't even African American, he's an alien. If anybody takes the fact that he's a black alien as racist, then you're just stupid... He's from no race of this planet! x-x Nor does his race even exist.

Anyway... I guess my real emotion is being annoyed. I try to avoid having these debates about dubs being good or not with my boyfriend because he says he respects everything for all the "effort" put into everything. He just says I don't like these dubs because I'm picky but well... you guys be the judge. I just say it's my opinion. :/


Anyway... I guess my real emotion is being annoyed. I try to avoid having these debates about dubs being good or not with my boyfriend because he says he respects everything for all the "effort" put into everything. He just says I don't like these dubs because I'm picky but well... you guys be the judge. I just say it's my opinion. :/

I think you make good point's,I don't think your picky just honest.But when it comes down to stuff we love,were often prepared to look over the flaws.

I think it's maybe one of those things,your bf is obviously very passionate about.Maybe it's better to just avoid these debates if it leads to you getting annoyed with each other.


Oh I'm feeling fine,except I think my Cat Jinx is going into heat the poor thing.She keeps rolling about on the floor and meowing and sticking her bum up in the air lol.It's her first season so I'm not sure the poor thing understands what's happening to her.
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Well-known member
I think you make good point's,I don't think your picky just honest.But when it comes down to stuff we love,were often prepared to look over the flaws.

I think it's maybe one of those things,your bf is obviously very passionate about.Maybe it's better to just avoid these debates if it leads to you getting annoyed with each other.


Oh I'm feeling fine,except I think my Cat Jinx is going into heat the poor thing.She keeps rolling about on the floor and meowing and sticking her bum up in the air lol.It's her first season so I'm not sure the poor thing understands what's happening to her.

Yeah. I mean, for the tops of just dubs, all I want is just for the characters to sound like they actually would, not like just some slapped-on voice that the dubbing company says they would just sound like that. I mean... Take a look at the English voice actor for say Edward Elric from FMA and compare him to Ash from Pokemon. (or moreso the new Ash, because I think the PUSA dub for Pokemon is worse than the 4Kids dub)

Maybe I should start a thread on this... I don't want to start ranting on this thread. I mean... I can litterally go on and on about dubs that I hate and like.

Yeah, I do my best to try and avoid the conflict because I don't like debating with him at all, plus I don't want him to get angry. I mean, in all honesty, I don't care if he likes 4Kids, that doesn't change who he is. I just kinda wish he'd understand that it's OK for me to have a different opinion. :/

*on topic* I can totally understand the whole cat thing. I have two female cats that aren't spayed because we don't have the money to do so. Both of them are sisters but Grizley gets it REALLY bad compared to her sister Maxie. I mean, she gloms onto everything she can find to rub her face against it. And if you try to pet her, she'll grab your arm and start scratching it with her back paws. (doesn't bother me that much because I've been scratched so many times by past cats that it doesn't even hurt anymore.)


Well-known member
Oh. In speaking of racist... Take a look at this edit from One Piece and Dragon Ball Z Kai (and mind you, I don't watch One Piece at all, and I stopped watching DBZ right when GT came out, but that doesn't change how much I'm appauled by the fact that they did this, those racist bastards...)

From One Piece. The top is the Japanese version and the bottom, them 4Kids version. Yeah... They changed the guy from Afican American to Caucasian!

Mr. Popo from DBZ. Yeah... He's blue now. HOW long has he been black?! Do you think that nobody would notice?! God 4Kids is stupid (And yes, 4Kids does the dub for DBZ Kai. I know in the past, DBZ was always dubbed by Funimation which I really hope they'll eventually come and fix what 4Kids ruined)... And he isn't even African American, he's an alien. If anybody takes the fact that he's a black alien as racist, then you're just stupid... He's from no race of this planet! x-x Nor does his race even exist.
wtf :confused:


Oh. In speaking of racist... Take a look at this edit from One Piece and Dragon Ball Z Kai (and mind you, I don't watch One Piece at all, and I stopped watching DBZ right when GT came out, but that doesn't change how much I'm appauled by the fact that they did this, those racist bastards...)

From One Piece. The top is the Japanese version and the bottom, them 4Kids version. Yeah... They changed the guy from Afican American to Caucasian!

Mr. Popo from DBZ. Yeah... He's blue now. HOW long has he been black?! Do you think that nobody would notice?! God 4Kids is stupid (And yes, 4Kids does the dub for DBZ Kai. I know in the past, DBZ was always dubbed by Funimation which I really hope they'll eventually come and fix what 4Kids ruined)... And he isn't even African American, he's an alien. If anybody takes the fact that he's a black alien as racist, then you're just stupid... He's from no race of this planet! x-x Nor does his race even exist.

Anyway... I guess my real emotion is being annoyed. I try to avoid having these debates about dubs being good or not with my boyfriend because he says he respects everything for all the "effort" put into everything. He just says I don't like these dubs because I'm picky but well... you guys be the judge. I just say it's my opinion. :/

It's not so much what race Mr. Popo is but his appearance. I want you to look up the term "Black Face" and tell me if you dont see a resemblance. I'm not going to post a picture because it might be against the rules. I cant speak for the One Piece character though.