How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Flustered... My little sister asked to borrow $40 from me that I don't have. I haven't gotten payed yet at my job since I was just highered, I'm already in the hole because of her because she wanted to borrow $80 dollars from me to go out to eat a couple days ago and I stupidly said yes so I'm like -$100 or so in my account...

I think I made the stupid mistake in giving her the money from the money I was saving to fix my Wii. I mean.. she says she's going to pay it all back and never ask for money from me again, but... I just hate being put in this situation ESPECIALLY since I'm trying to be more responsible for my boyfriend... I already broke the promise I made to his a few days ago about never letting anyone borrow money from me and I feel horrible about it...

I really hope that she pays me back as soon as she can, because I almost know that my boyfriend's going to ask me to deposit the money to fix my Wii tomarrow... *sigh*... I tried as hard as I could to tell her I can't give her the money but... I'm too soft. She, like, closed the door of my room when we were talking about it which I really hated because that made me even more anxious...

I just hope James doesn't find out because if he does, he said we were through... And I never want that to happen... Ofcoarse that's probably what I deserve... I never tend to keep my promises and keep the truth silent from him which is just horrible of me...

I don't want to be like this, but I'm just scared what he'd say if I told the truth.. He can hardly ever trust anything I say anymore..


Can I remind people not to bring personal issues into the forum,while I appreciate that can be hard when you build friends up and stuff and make contacts through the site.But bringing it onto a forum just makes things ten times worse for everyone.


Well-known member
Can I remind people not to bring personal issues into the forum,while I appreciate that can be hard when you build friends up and stuff and make contacts through the site.But bringing it onto a forum just makes things ten times worse for everyone.

Sorry... I'll try not to do that...


Well-known member
I've been a fairly good mood the past couple days. No idea why. Up until about 15 minutes ago. Just started feeling blah. No idea why.::(:


Just had two 18 maybe 19 year old girls trick or treating...whats up with that? Isn't Halloween supposed to be for little kids? Isn't there like a cut off limit... I mean when I am 40 is it still justified to go around trick or treating? what about 80? 90? I tell you..this world...its MADNESS...


Well-known member
I just watched the Shawshank Redemption and felt inspired to "get busy living."

No sure how long it will last.


Well-known member
Just had two 18 maybe 19 year old girls trick or treating...whats up with that? Isn't Halloween supposed to be for little kids? Isn't there like a cut off limit... I mean when I am 40 is it still justified to go around trick or treating? what about 80? 90? I tell you..this world...its MADNESS...

its trick or treating. Kids love candy, but that doesnt mean older people can't get free candy.
Most likely there isn't an age limit. The rest of the teens are probably at parties getting candy. Those teens you saw probably didnt want to go to a party.