How are you feeling?


SOoo tired,I'm sleeping loads at the moment,feeling better than I have done recently though.Had to go dentist yesterday so I got a haircut and did a food shop too.

Being out and about was hard after hiding away for so long but I fell better for it,gonna try and go to the gym tomorrow which will be scary after such a long time of not going.It's gonna make me feel all self conscious again showering next to body builders ::(: But I got used to it last time and if I stick with it again I should get back into shape.


Well-known member
Kinda blegh, haven't really spoken to anyone since school let out several weeks ago. Sitting in my house all day is getting really old really fast, and I need to at least attempt to talk to someone or I think my head will burst.


Well-known member
I'm glad that I'm a bit chilly just from having the window open. But head is still all messed up from a LAN party at my friends' house earlier today. I don't know if it was mold or mildew, but it smelled and left me feeling nauseated with a stuffy nose and a monster headache.

No wonder I don't socialize!



Well-known member I knocked over my coffee in public and almost smashed my face from tripping on the last few steps of the was because of my stupid new shoes. Today was not my day!!

Oh and I've been feeling anxious all day because I'm gonna have to drive my brother back to his home when he returns my car this Saturday...which is going to be an hour drive on the freeway. I've only driven on the freeway a few times and the longest was for 15 minutes!

And my 2 page research proposal is due tomorrow!!

The stress!!! AHH


Well-known member
neurotic. really i deny my feelings and i am just tired. but since i ignored the fact that i'm tired the nagging feeling eventually crept back up on me instead a little bit later as neurotic.
I knew you'd be disappointed in me ::eek::

neither have I. Ever. That's the weird thing. I have no intention of giving in though don't worry :) *thinks of poor little piggies*

Way to remain a loyal soldier! Pigs are thankful for people like you and I. :)

Again, frustrated. But for another reason. My mother had to work late, so I had to make dinner. Which is okay, I love cooking. It is something I'm fairly good at, and makes me feel useful once in a while.

Now someone else, who can barely took did it before I had a chance to. And it not even dinner time yet. The gravey looks nasty, the potatoes were overdone, the carrots were undercooked, and I have yet to taste the meat.

I don't want to sound ungrateful, but dinner is about the only thing I truly enjoy these days. He should have waited for me to do it. |:c
wow, what a night..
My dogs tried to tear up a kitten, and my mom and me saved it.. it was quite the battle.. poor thing was trembling afterwards :/ (can't get the image out of my head).
I heard my mom yelling at them, but at first i thought it was smthg they did that they usually do, then it got more intense,.. so i ran out, my mom was hitting the dogs with a broomstick(lol), they wouldn't let go, luckily they're were two dogs, so they were fighting over her, so we used the time they gave us.. somehow she fell out of one of the dogs mouths, i grabbed both of them( i have no idea where i got the strength and the idea what to do in that moment) and held them(they are huge german shepherds), while my mom shoved the kitty under some rocks, then i pushed them and locked them up, my bro came in the meantime and took her somewhere and fed her, we saw her mom later and I think she'll find her.. I kinda don't like my dogs now lol.. but it isn't their fault tho..

I got my presents form america, im pleased, and i managed to avoid some huge obsessions.. they held me for a couple of mins, now im ok :)


LMAO I don't think I can do most of these things. I have a file somewhere so I suppose I could sharpen my teeth. But then what? What do I do with my newly sharpened teeth? :D

Yeah that was probably a bad suggestion, that more like 474 things to do when you're insane lol.