How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I understand being pissed at her, but i think she was trying to make a point..
my doctor usually says that when u get ;pissed at the world and everyone, u
ll say f em all and u will release yourself, maybe it had smthg to do with that?

could u try seeing her another time then? :)

I could go back. I overthink everything, sometimes it's hard for me to think about what I'm thinking about and then I don't know what to think :D


Well-known member
Tired from staying up all night again. Aggravated because my shoulder has been sore for almost 4 weeks now, and it hurts to play a guitar. Thirsty because I've been too lazy to get up and get a drink for the past 4 hours. Miserable because of the hot weather and air conditioners running constantly. Confused because someone asked me for love advice. Disappointed because of my tendency of growing overly fond of people. And lonely because I'm alone.

I think that's everything for now. One can hope, anyway.



Well-known member
asks if I'm pissed off? I say "yeah you are getting me there" and she says good becuase then she kept talking about how I'm too passive and everything I'm saying is bullshyt adn then asks how I'm feeling again and I lost it I was like "I'm feeling like I'm gonna throw this chair and get the fucc outta here becuase I came here for help not some critisism when you don't know anything about me". I still want to die becuase I can never stop seeing the bad image of myself and where I'm going in life.

You people are clever to be thinking the critism may be part of the process.

And I gotta give you credit for standing up for youself like that. That's nerve I would reach but never show, and i'm jealous you're able to. It's so sad to see most of the SPW people, such seemingly brave, intelligent, sensitive, trying people, have such hatred towards themselves. Please don't yearn for death, life changes, dreams change, boredom eventually may present a certain apathy that leads to the carelessness of others' perceptions and an unusual new courage, you'll get there I just feel that you will... /sounds kind of creepy. You are lucky to be young and able bodied, remember that personal freedom never truly leaves.


I dont know whats going on in my head seems that im getting to clever...i cant even be angry for something that people make wrong because i know why they do it.psychologie would be a job for me i think but with S.A.D its not possible.


A little nervous. I promised I would hang out tonight to meet these new people at the bowling ally. I know I'm gonna try and chicken out at the last second like last time. But I gotta force myself to go. =/


Well-known member
I feel fine, even though not a lot has changed since I wrote my last post in this thread, where I sounded totally depressed. Interesting...
I had a very long walk, like 7.5 kms..
so im ok..
and im trying to keep up with my "own therapy".
just hope i didn't get trapped in another obsession, unaware, sneay little bastards ::p:
Just nervously called my therapist's office, and they said he'd call back at 4. That was 15 minutes ago, so I'm getting a little bit nervous.. I just want to get the call over with for today..


I am feeling ike my job is pretty futile. I used to enjoy my job more, but it got spoiled by different things. I used to like to play music on the computers at work, then someone complained to the management, and now they said they are tracking everybody's computer use, and anyone using it for anything except work-related use will get punished.
I work as a supervisor, and a lot of my fellow supervisors try to give me a hard time, screaming at me or being sarcastic. I hand it back to them and they go report me. I am pretty thick-skinned about this, but a lot of this is a waste of time.
I feel tired a lot. I am newly single, but the women who are anywhere close to my age in my outer suburban neighborhood mostly seem like sexless drudges, seemingly more interested in food, shopping and afternoon naps than sex. Anyway, thats my 2 cents.


Well-known member
Hey, that's great! Even more so for exercising outside, I've never been able to keep that up.

Yeah its been a while that I did also,I try to find a desert park or place,sometimes at the port or under a bridge by the sea,biking is also good,people wont know,they will just think you are going somewhere,all I have being doing is lifting weights,but some aerobic helps with anger and frustration,something I need right now.


Well-known member
I'm damn tired, but feeling very good! If YouTube stops being a @#$%! and lets me upload these three videos, I'll share why. Actually, the second one is pretty big, so make that two videos. Maybe I could post the 182MB one somewhere else, but it's a mostly static video.

But one does get a very good look at my rump, and I'd hate to disappoint....



Well-known member
Nervous and afraid, my mum can come home any moment now from school with my results. Not afraid of the results but what they said. "He's the most quite on off class", "He should go out more"...