How are you feeling?


I live in hope and die in hope of getting better, nothing is happening, i cant take any more humiliation in my life! Every moment is painful,confusing, terrifying,hurtful! Seriously why should i live when there is not a speck of joy or happiness! Everyone is rejecting me, all my old friends dont call back,hide, laugh or gossip about me now! Its not getting better from now on, its over. I dont want to get Alzheimer or heart problem due to this constant stress and confusion and then kill myself! I want to end now.

I also know no one can help me here on, i am not special god is not going to step out of the cloud like Abraham stop my end! I die and i am gone like beef sausage!

This site is nothing but despair on a stick, God honest truth *scouts honor*... But, really no one here will be able to help you, all we can do is talk to each other and hope that no one is judging each other. This is a a place massed with people who needs help. So how do a bunch of helpless people help other helpless people out, they just can't :C. Really its up to you to help yourself, you find a reason for not dieing. I'm in the same boat as you, I honestly could care less about myself right now. I'll bungie jump from a bridge with no hesistation, just the idea that the rope might break is all I need :| But people here listens, and they care. They'll help you if you let them... :T


Well-known member
This site is nothing but despair on a stick, God honest truth *scouts honor*... But, really no one here will be able to help you, all we can do is talk to each other and hope that no one is judging each other. This is a a place massed with people who needs help. So how do a bunch of helpless people help other helpless people out, they just can't :C. Really its up to you to help yourself, you find a reason for not dieing. I'm in the same boat as you, I honestly could care less about myself right now. I'll bungie jump from a bridge with no hesistation, just the idea that the rope might break is all I need :| But people here listens, and they care. They'll help you if you let them... :T

Well is anyone here going to be friends and talk with each other let alone hang out together? Not likely. Even if we meet Shy people will always avoid each other quicker than an average person! I dont know if you noticed that! Anyways i dont want to sound like i am wineing or something!

I can understand about the bungee jumping, some time back when i was flying the plain suddenly shuttered badly and everyone freaked out except me, i was hoping this was it and i was happy! Sadly it recovered. :)


Well-known member
I die and i am gone like beef sausage!

This is the main reason I keep going every day. I know that I only have one chance at life and after that... nothing. No afterlife, no rebirth or ressurection... you're just gone. If I believed there was life after death I probably would have done it already. I mean, life sucks, and if death was just a journey to another life, then why put up with it? It just doesn't make sense to me. :confused:

I'm not certain, but as long as there's a chance that some day I might make something of myself (and there is for everyone), I'm going to keep going and endure the pain.


Well-known member
Hey everybody! I'm in a really posty mood today.
Just thought I might share something with you all that might help. Try making a journal. It helps with me and my therapist for him to understand things that I'm not comfortable talking about and things that I block out because it's too painful. It also helps me to remember who I am... which is REALLY important to me and I'm sure it is to a lot of others here. :)


Well-known member
So upset, total meltdown.

My ex and i remainded friends and i said to him tonight that i can deal with him not wanting/loving me but i cant deal with the love i have for him and be his friend at this moment in time.

He totally ignored me and asked a different question about something, then i said wow blanked much.
And he said 'just die you c***' now he knows ive been suicidal during my agoraphobia. He even text back straight after and said he didnt mean it.

But theres no love anymore for him after he said that, no love what so ever.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
And he said 'just die you c***' now he knows ive been suicidal during my agoraphobia. He even text back straight after and said he didnt mean it.

But theres no love anymore for him after he said that, no love what so ever.

Well it really sounds for the best you have no more love for him. He obviously doesn't deserve it.


Well-known member
I am sorry you had to go through that damaged.::(: (((Hugs)))
By the sounds of things, it seems like you may be better off without him in your life. Considering that he could say something like that to you when he knows what you are going through.::(:

Aw, id love a huggle right now :( but my mums asleep. Too scared to wake her :eek:

Yeah, hes text me 4 times since that text but im not going to bother anymore after that. Cant believe someone i loved so much could say something like that :(. Disgusting.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Aw, id love a huggle right now :( but my mums asleep. Too scared to wake her :eek:

Yeah, hes text me 4 times since that text but im not going to bother anymore after that. Cant believe someone i loved so much could say something like that :(. Disgusting.
Remember, don't think of stuff like 'where did I go wrong, what's wrong with me', etc. It's far more mature and productive to think about removing his eyes with a spork. :)!


Well-known member
I am sorry you had to go through that damaged.::(: (((Hugs)))
By the sounds of things, it seems like you may be better off without him in your life. Considering that he could say something like that to you when he knows what you are going through.::(:

I agree with Mandy. He doesn't deserve your love.
*more hugs*


Hi, am new here so this is my first post......Have suffered from anxiety attacks and depression since I was 11 yr's old. I'm 35 now, got a family of my own.
I use to be bad after the kids were born, couldn't leave the house then I broke up with my partner and stepped out on my own. I was fine. I even put myself through security training and got a job with a good security firm and was fighting the attacks and depression off for ages.
I got back with my partner before that and we are great.
I quit the sec job and got one closer to home in a liquor store. Being behind a counter continuously started eating at me. The panic attacks started gnawing away and after almost a year I snapped and they flooded in. To the point I had to quit my job.
It threw me right into some nasty depression again and I just haven't been able to find my way clear since.
I stopped the dep meds cause they made me worse. Am so tired and so scared, I don't know what to do anymore.
I am not going to be like this forever, I want rid of it.....Sorry for the long blog but I figured I can intro and tell how I feel all in one :p



Well-known member
i painted my nails, they look great!
i am lonely but that's ok. my cat must suffice. i hope she is ready to be kissed.

Hi, Bent Soul. Welcome to the forum. ~WO

I'm sure I speak for many when I say that we'll try our very best to help you get through this. I hope you enjoy your stay! : D
I went jogging! and im glad I did, and i am not in shape, but im glad i didnt give up cuz i couldnt run the whole time :)
right now I'm ok :)