How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Feeling really down at the moment, been crying a lot ever since i replied to the sexual abuse thread but it will pass


Well-known member
im ok i soppose but a few days ago i fell off a ladder trying to get a sofa up to a window , i fell down the sofa landed on top of me and i fractured 2 ribs , im sopposed to be off work , but i cant sit at home for 3 weeks ill go nuts , so im still working it is rather painfull to work with though ::eek:: but im sure ill live ;)


Well-known member
Feeling a little guilty.
I don't really feel bad, just that, I think I might be the cause of something that happened.


Well-known member
Why on earth did you want a sofa up near some high window anyway? How would you get to the sofa then, with the ladder? Makes no sense to me. :confused:

ok the sofa would not fit through the door , so sometimes you go upstairs and see it would go through the window , so we get a ladder put the sofa on the ladder then push it up the ladder , then on the top of the ladder 2 blokes grab the sofa and drag it through the window , but i slipped and ended up falling down the ladder with the sofa in hot Pursuit , and ended up eating it , needless to say it didnt taste very nice , so there was me laying on the bottom of the ladder with a sofa on top of me , it first i thought wow the sofa fancies me :) but it wasnt the case the sofa was trying to kill me :cool: so now you know mate ....


Well-known member
i feel in the mood for a 10 minute massage until i am asleep. guess i will smear tuna on my back and hope my cat notices. goodnight!