How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Well, it's been a while since i've fallen apart. Looks like today will finally be that day.


Well-known member
Like my heart will explode any second now due to palpitations which are due to anxiety , which is due to my depressing existence of negative thinking, which pisses me off .
These maladies have bigger muscles than I do. Even so, I cannot live another day like this. I'll at least attempt to actively change what is in front of me, by any means and with every ounce of energy that I have. I'll eat, sleep and drink my dreams until they come true because only wishing and hoping does me no good. I have every incentive in the world to succeed.
Good. Even though it feels like the whole world is against me. I'm perfectly fine with that, though. People are just bad news. I don't need a family, friends or a girlfriend. I can cope on my own.


Well-known member
Good. Even though it feels like the whole world is against me. I'm perfectly fine with that, though. People are just bad news. I don't need a family, friends or a girlfriend. I can cope on my own.

That sounds about like me. :cool:

It seems like the more people, the more problems. And I don't need other peoples problems.
I think my life is over,

I am planning to kill myself soon!

Game over.. :(

I was where you are two years ago. I didn't go through with it in the end for various reasons.. but one compelling one is that I realized deep down that while I feel that I know the future will not change for me... the truth is that none of us can say with any certainty what the future holds.

After over two decades of madness, I'm suddenly traveling a path that I'd never imagine myself taking. It's like suddenly, I'm seeing avenues in life that I never thought existed. I'm still really down often now... but yeah... I still can't say with absolute certainty what the future will be...

And online people usually can only lend a listening ear. But sometimes.. you never know. When I was down, someone actually helped me out in a very concrete way. But that can only happen when I told them about my problems.. otherwise, no one can help me if they don't really know much about the situation and I tell no one about it...

Yup. Just my one cent.
Nervous for nothing :(

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Well-known member
I feel pretty relaxed, my feet are tired from work and my wisdom teeth are paining me but all in all I don't care about the world around me as I have the evening and house to myself.


Well-known member
Im fed up of this same boring routine every single day stuck inside my house. Im really considering throwing myself in the deep end and moving away from this dump of a town and leaving all the bad memories behind!

Do it! Oh, and let me and everyone else here who wants to do that but can't move in with you ::p: