How are you feeling?

Preparing for 'one month vacation'..I'm leaving tomorrow. I will be without internet all this time so it will be interesting. I'm going with my folks. All my friends (and I don't have many) have to work or going in summer with their boyfriends so I really don't have a choice. I don't want to spend all summer at home. I'm planing to really really rest from everything..taking lots of pictures..hoping to meet some nice people..and most of all hoping the weather would be fine because I really miss the sun..

I wish all the best to u all, be healthy&feel good..make me proud when I come back and will be reading your posts.. xxx

and yeah..the most important thing..take care for my friend illumination..:)

:):D Aw, thanks! I'll be okay, so you don't have to worry about me TOO much. I just want you to take advantage of this much-needed, long-awaited vacation of yours - you deserve it. I'll be here when you get back, Blue. Be good and stay safe.

Oh, and buy me something!;)


As long as you work at it, it could get better. It doesn't have to always be as bad as it is now.

Im working really hard for it but its not enough:/
Im doing streching,push ups,pull ups,jogging for my self esteem and i read books every day(i read them loud)I try thinks that i never was doing before but it doesnt get better:/


Well-known member
I hate when my mother drinks...only did does she tell me what she really thinks of me - go me for being such a let down at least there is hope for my brother!
oh::(: I hope things pick up for you a bit tomorrow illumination. Hang in there.:)
Can you do something like listening to your favourite music to keep your mind off things for a short time? Just to give your mind a little rest. I find that helps to gain some more energy to keep going.

im sorry, i know it sucks

Thanks you two. :)

Yeah, I need to activate those coping/recovery techniques in cases like these, ha. I'm going to take a hot shower, listen to music and do yoga.

People are arguing outside (guess someone had too much to drink for Memorial Day) and my mom is trying to draw my attention to it, but I'm not having it. Let them fight.
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Super Moderator
I've been in "everyone-is-out-to get-me mode" for a while now. I wish I wasn't so afraid of everything. It's getting exhausting... blah -_-;


Well-known member
Right now I feel rather stupid. And pain. I went to the shore this weekend and forgot to reapply sunscreen.

Apparently bobbing up and down by myself in cold water is enthralling enough to make me forget that I must have resembled that white whale. Or maybe it was the lack of social interaction with the waves, and how their low temperature kept most others away.



Well-known member
I probably would have been going somewhere today, but since people think I never go anywhere, they just left my nephew here.
I can't leave him here.
Plus... I probably wasn't going anyways. I'll find out later, since someone has a lack of responsibility.


Well-known member
I'm doing ok. Finally went for my blood test, and since I hate needles I was dreading it. But it never hurt a bit.:)


Well-known member
My stress levels are so high that I have had a backache for 3 days. Actually it's more like my lats....damn they are killing me.