How are you feeling?


Danny sometimes walking past is the bravest thing to do.

It didn't feel brave but you are probably right..

Therepy is good, i need to get some myself. It helps without you even knowing.

I think it's the key to getting better,I hope you can get some if that's what you want.I have only started mine recently and it's been of more help than 5 years of medication,seeing different doctors ect ect


I felt paranoid today at work - i'm a newbie there so everyone around me has their own private jokes. And to make it worse anytime i make a minor error, there's some lad who decides to look at me with dissapproval (by shaking his head, and the odd smirky grin) and 2 minutes later he's off telling the others which is starting to grate on me.... its like everytime i look up he's there waiting for me to **** up, kinda funny though when i think about it.
Other than that i'm in good form.


Well-known member
Hmmm nearly 6am and i still haven't slept! im wondering if i should just try and stay up all day now so i can sleep earlier tonight or sleep now and stay up all night again hmmm! think ill try stay up, yeah that'll do :)


Active member
I am feeling anxious and a bit down.

I have a cyst on my ovary that has caused me to gain a lot of weight and because the doctor hasn't told me much yet (I have had to wait 2 months before getting another Ultrasound to see if it has burst or gotten bigger, I'm due for a test tomorrow) I have started to get anxiety and a bit of hyperchondria about everything.


I am feeling anxious and a bit down.

I have a cyst on my ovary that has caused me to gain a lot of weight and because the doctor hasn't told me much yet (I have had to wait 2 months before getting another Ultrasound to see if it has burst or gotten bigger, I'm due for a test tomorrow) I have started to get anxiety and a bit of hyperchondria about everything.

i hope you feel better soon :)
maybe a female would be the best person to comment on this::eek::


Well-known member
I've begun to realize that I'm losing the only friend I've ever had.

I guess I go back to the edge of the cliff she stopped me from jumpin off maybe this time I will be left to my choice


Well-known member
Needs to get his arse into gear and stop with these negative thoughts that float around every day in my head....


Well-known member
I need to cry so badly but I can't. I need to get this ball of anger out but I can't, scream or something but I am so afraid of how the people around me will react, why am I so afraid to express myself. why do I feel so let down when I should be so dam used to it. I don't want to be here anymore!