Feels like the worst person in the world :: Someone inform me how I'm so good at hurting other people I care about..
Feels like the worst person in the world :: Someone inform me how I'm so good at hurting other people I care about..
Feels like the worst person in the world :: Someone inform me how I'm so good at hurting other people I care about..
True story.you're too sweet to be mad at for too long.
Just noticed that someone voted my 'rep' thingy on here down for thanking people on the 'girls post your pics thread'. Am i not allowed to thank people? or was it because i'm ugly and you disaproved of people being nice to me?
Just noticed that someone voted my 'rep' thingy on here down for thanking people on the 'girls post your pics thread'. Am i not allowed to thank people? or was it because i'm ugly and you disaproved of people being nice to me?
Just noticed that someone voted my 'rep' thingy on here down for thanking people on the 'girls post your pics thread'. Am i not allowed to thank people? or was it because i'm ugly and you disaproved of people being nice to me?
Someone negged me and called me a liar, lol. No biggy.
Heh, and someone voted me for saying that I had a crush on Kristen Stewart.
EDIT: How do you know whether a "reputation" is positive or negative?
Positive has a green little box beside it, and a negative or "neutral" one has no colour.