How are you feeling?


daylight, so going back to bed with 185 elliot smith songs that i bought from a shop :rolleyes:

thinking about anomicdeer and illumination:) get well soon:)


feeling like $hit , found out my 16 year old cousin basically my lil brother is getting high, so i dunno what i should do reminds me of me when i was his age ::(: i'm just gonna have to talk to him i guess thats all i can do. Hope i say the right things.
I feel like crap. I need to stop neglecting myself and start eating more regularly. I need to consume at least 3000 calories a day; not 500-1000 like at the present moment.


Well-known member
I feel like crap. I need to stop neglecting myself and start eating more regularly. I need to consume at least 3000 calories a day; not 500-1000 like at the present moment.

Sheesh! Definitely eat moar.

Oh, and I'm feelinnnnnnnnnnng sorta anxious and sleepy.
I feel happy without a reason ::eek:: Just feeling good, and i'm glad I feel this way now! Cuz that's much better than feeling so depressed. Mostly I cry without a reason.. Or a vry good reason.. But yeah, now i just smile, and feel good ^^
That's how i wanna feel. and now i see its not so hard if you try ^^


Well-known member
I've only taken less than a month's worth of anti-depressant (and it was for insomnia Remeron)... I found that while it does make me calmer, it also makes me feel... I don't know. Less alive I guess. Hard to describe.

Do you feel that way too with your higher dosage?

I was actually starting to feel better with the higher dosage; more like myself, with less depression and anxiety. But the stomach pain meant that something wasn't right. So back to the original dosage (60mg Cymbalta), with the accompanying increase in depression- and anxiety-related symptoms.

And all this rain and cloudy weather lately isn't helping much, either. Which is strange, as I usually enjoy dreary days.


Well-known member
just had a bit of bad news but its good news as well , a freind has decided its time for a new start , i wish them the very best ......
optimistic. A very unusual feeling for me. Lately, though, I've experienced optimism in abundance.

Also, I'm counting down the days...
suicidal.. lost..i so ****ing hate my life.. the doctor in whom i had a lot of confidence is not helping so scared :/ i am missing out on school, tests.. anbd my doctor is telling me.. go to school, u can do it, i believe in u.. wtf. what kind of transperent therapy is that :/

Well-known member
suicidal.. lost..i so ****ing hate my life.. the doctor in whom i had a lot of confidence is not helping so scared :/ i am missing out on school, tests.. anbd my doctor is telling me.. go to school, u can do it, i believe in u.. wtf. what kind of transperent therapy is that :/

Yeah it never helps when you just get told stuff like that. It's like someone saying "Cheer up" when you're at your lowest. Have you spoken to your therapist about how you're finding the treatment?
Yeah it never helps when you just get told stuff like that. It's like someone saying "Cheer up" when you're at your lowest. Have you spoken to your therapist about how you're finding the treatment?

He only see's me like once a month cuz he's retired and i pay him good for it..he does no therapy with me.. just tells me stuff sometimes, he has helped (he is a very respected doctor but i need somone who can always be there and RLY treat me.. cuz every year its the same :/
and no one can rly help me.. smthg is bothering me now and i cant figure out what it is :/
sry for the captivity of negativity:p


Well-known member
He only see's me like once a month cuz he's retired and i pay him good for it..he does no therapy with me.. just tells me stuff sometimes, he has helped (he is a very respected doctor but i need somone who can always be there and RLY treat me.. cuz every year its the same :/
and no one can rly help me.. smthg is bothering me now and i cant figure out what it is :/
sry for the captivity of negativity:p

Have u thinking about changing your doctor? Don't waste your money if u think that u are not on the same 'wavelength' and that he can't help u. This stuff he is tellling u... that my mum tells me every day for free lol..
In the past I also visited 2 doctors..they didn't do me any I'm sorry that I didn't find new one..every doctor has a different aproach so try to change the can't lose anything and now you are loosing your money..
Have u thinking about changing your doctor? Don't waste your money if u think that u are not on the same 'wavelength' and that he can't help u. This stuff he is tellling u... that my mum tells me every day for free lol..
In the past I also visited 2 doctors..they didn't do me any I'm sorry that I didn't find new one..every doctor has a different aproach so try to change the can't lose anything and now you are loosing your money..
ty kiara
I think I'v e made up a plan: see this doctor once a month for the support cuz he is very respected in my country, u might know prof.dr ismet ceric, and ask him to recommend a psychiatrist i can see mor eoften and group therapy.. that is all I can do I guess..
and he has given me a lot of stuff ive a couple of bad advices, well cant take them to personally..(and i dont think there was any other way for him to react in the little time we had)
school is a huge problem now :/
thx kiara again :)


Well-known member
ask him to recommend a psychiatrist i can see mor eoften and group therapy.. that is all I can do I guess..

Yeah..I think that would be good idea..maybe group therapy is just what you need.. No, I never heard about that doctor..

school is a huge problem now :/

Do you have problems with people in your school or? That can' be bad..I finished highschool later than I should have because of that..still having bad dreams about school from time to time..
I'm sorry about what u went through, it's more of the ppl in school reminding me of how f up i am..when im alone it's easier, but wehen i get to school, they all remind of how diffeent and f up i am.. and when ur going to the dsame school for three years and nothing has changed tenbds to get depressing and unbearable..