How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Charlene, I'm so happy you found someone that you truly like, DON'T let another girl get in the way of that. He obviously likes you, thinks you're pretty. I have done this with so many guys I like and they weren't even my boyfriends. I let my insecurities that my friend who I believe is much prettier than I am get in the way and therefore I over analyzed what they did. She's a flirt and I would turn things he did into more than what they were, assumed because she was skinnier than me or prettier she would win him. In the end I ended up pretty much advertising her to the guys I liked because I assumed they would end up liking each other anyways. It changes your personality and they'll withdraw from you if you withdraw into yourself. And you're wayyy too gorgeous and funny to let that happen.

Whoa, I know what you mean. And I definitely agree with Krista! Just ask yourself if they're reallyyyy being flirty or are the just interacting in a friendly way? Or, if there is any flirting going on, is he returning it?


Well-known member
im feeling quite happy just had a long chat with my gf on the phone from ireland ..... that is until she said when you move over here your not bringing your 23 foot caravan i dont want that bloody great thing outside my house she said :eek: i said oi woman i dont want your house outside my caravan so there :mad: ...... needless to say the conversation ended about it tonight :rolleyes: but what she doent know is im gonna take it over there anyways :D


Well-known member
I deserve everything I have. Because I let myself become who I am... I have to deal with being depressed and feel worthless to everything and everyone.


Well-known member
Yeah! When she chucks you out for bringing it along, at least you'll have somewhere to stay. ::p:

she wont chuck me out mate ;) ill chuck her out and it will be her living in the caravan , and ill shout out the house window whos laughing now whos laughing now ...... oh and ill take my gas bottle out of the caravan so she will be cold at night and come crawling back saying how sorry she is :D


Well-known member
she wont chuck me out mate ;) ill chuck her out and it will be her living in the caravan , and ill shout out the house window whos laughing now whos laughing now ...... oh and ill take my gas bottle out of the caravan so she will be cold at night and come crawling back saying how sorry she is :D

I think we all know where that gas bottle would end up if you tried to pull a stunt like that on her. ::p:


Well-known member
So excited for Lost, stuffed from my sexy curry and a bit freaked out from all the horror films today. =P