How are you feeling?


Well-known member
well iv just made a flask of tea , and now im going to sit on the beach , feeding the seagulls just to pass the time .... oh and drink my tea of course :)

Wow. That just about sounds like the most chilled out thing in the world to me right now. I wish I lived near the coast. ::(:


Struggling to stay positive,getting sick of fighting for health care I should be entitled to in the first place.Sick of "feeling" suicidal and empty,sick of not being able to enjoy anything.

Part from that thing's are just peachy >.<
I am feeling positive and still determined to change. I have decided on a personal "transformational" plan I am going to follow to correct what is wrong in my life and which by the way I have already began. It involves positive journaling, the learning of gratitude and forgiveness aiming to learn to love myself, meditation, elimination of any kind of negative thinking, creative expression (music, art, writing), physical exercise plus psychotherapy that I am already doing.

We all "taught" our mind how to think negatively. For me it is high time I took some action to reverse that. I know that life's circumstances and perhaps a bit of genetics caused me social phobia and made me think they way I do, but I am absolutely certain we can all learn to think positively, eliminate those undesired neural synapses which make us be afraid of nearly every situation and finally enjoy life at its fullest. I urge you all to follow me in this endeavour! :)
Uber Schnitzel said:
Out of curiosity - what does a "positive journal" involve?

A journal reflects one's life. Seeing life from a positive point of view and writing down your day to day experiences in this way reflects a positive and happy life. There are three ways to move on with this: firstly you can omit writing down those things that you were dissatisifed with and concentrate on the positive experiences you had. Secondly, you can write down the negative experiences you had, but reviewing them with a positive light and thirdly you can write down the reverse of your unpleasant experiences. I believe the third one is the more effective way and it will be easier and faster for your subconscious mind to be persuaded of your life being a happy one especially if you make it a habit to reread your positive journal on a regular basis.

I thought of the idea of positive journaling after reading my journal from the beginning and noticing how much negativity it contained, thus reflecting a negative, unhappy life so I decided to change that...

Hope this helps. I know that for those who are realists this idea might sound silly, but it is a reality that our subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a realistic thought and an unrealistic one. It does what you tell it to do so to speak...
I feel kinda neutral today, nothing too good to be excited over, nothing too bad. Hopefully if I can find a job things will turn around.


Well-known member
im feeling like a carrot you might think huh :confused: ok ill explain , im drinking organic carrot juice , iv nearly drunk the whole 1 litre bottle ..... hence the feeling like a carrot :)


Well-known member
Nervous and worried. Because tomorrow I have to go talk to my counceler at school and decide if I am going to drop out, or if they can get me online classes. The thought of being in that room with my dad and talking to the counceler makes me nervous as crap. :(