How are you feeling?


Well-known member
lovely sunny day here in little old england hi ho hi ho its off to work i go he sings .........:)


Well-known member
Had a tough few days. Basically self destructed again, which gets me really upset. So I guess I could be better.
On this thread I will mostly say that I'm doing OK or not very well. :[
Because I always feel worthless because of the countless days spending at home, no work, no school... Not reaching anywhere.
It makes me feel stupid.

But there are some good things coming my way... new conversations at organisations... Hopefully it will bring me somewhere :)


Well-known member
I'm feeling 'new' today. Like i'm going to have a fresh start at life. I read a positive quote that really got me thinking about my thoughts and how they effect my life. If i carry on having negatives thoughts, telling myself i'll get no-where in life then i will get no where in life. If i tell myself i will get somewhere in life and i can do this, then i will get somewhere in life. I need to change my thoughts to positive ones and start believing in myself. Hmm, yes, that was a good thought right there. :)


Well-known member
I'm actually pretty upset. It looks as if I have lost a good internet friend. I gave her my e-mail as a way to communicate, but she has as yet not e-mailed me. My mind is a flurry of all things negative now.


you know how people let their cats out, and when they want back in its either through the catflap, or they come to the window. aye.

well this clown down the road lets his dog out!!! he doesnt take it for a walk or anything sensible like that.:confused:
all it fkn does is bark all day and all night, trying to get back in the house.
i couldnt sleep much last night cause of the fkn noise it makes, so i layed in the dark trying to think of any reason why this dog should be outside all night, wakening up half the street
in the end though i couldnt think of any reasons:confused:


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
It probably craps all over his house if he lets it sleep inside. Or maybe he doesn't want it on his bed with him because of interruptions. People who do that and don't care that their dog is keeping up the neighborhood should be shot. :mad:


Well-known member
you know how people let their cats out, and when they want back in its either through the catflap, or they come to the window. aye.

well this clown down the road lets his dog out!!! he doesnt take it for a walk or anything sensible like that.:confused:
all it fkn does is bark all day and all night, trying to get back in the house.
i couldnt sleep much last night cause of the fkn noise it makes, so i layed in the dark trying to think of any reason why this dog should be outside all night, wakening up half the street
in the end though i couldnt think of any reasons:confused:

is it thin , how does he treat it , if the **** cant be bortherd to take it for a walk parhaps he shouldnt own a dog ;) if it is thin and you feel its being neglected ring the rspca ......