How are you feeling?

Great! :)

Its officially been 7 years since my uncle got married. Which means its been 7 years since I met the guy who ruined my life and caused me to fear men and anything sexual - which makes it 5 and a half since i dumped his ass! :)

And, I'm kinda seeing a guy i liked for a while now - he's been practically living with me for the last week. Dunno whats going on with us but we're having a laugh - and his ex - a mutual friend, is totally cool with it!

Also found out SA has its good points!


Well-known member
Don't kill yourself people. I once knew a girl who had SA exactly like me and she ended up killing herself. She broke up with the man of her life because she felt she couldn't make him happy because of her SA. Later she realized that she had made a mistake because she hadn't taken his feelings for her into consideration and felt so selfish that she killed herself. What was the point of that? Her story could've had a happy ending. She had a good understanding of herself, better than I do, but she was in the moment and reacted in the moment. Run for all you're worth, and you're worth a lot! Think of all the kids who die young because they have an untreatable disease. They would want a chance to live a healthy life like we are, but they weren't given a chance! One day you'll look back and be so happy that you didn't do it.


Don't kill yourself people. I once knew a girl who had SA exactly like me and she ended up killing herself. She broke up with the man of her life because she felt she couldn't make him happy because of her SA. Later she realized that she had made a mistake because she hadn't taken his feelings for her into consideration and felt so selfish that she killed herself. What was the point of that? Her story could've had a happy ending. She had a good understanding of herself, better than I do, but she was in the moment and reacted in the moment. Run for all you're worth, and you're worth a lot! Think of all the kids who die young because they have an untreatable disease. They would want a chance to live a healthy life like we are, but they weren't given a chance! One day you'll look back and be so happy that you didn't do it.

I want to apologize for myself right now, because I don't have any sympathy for those kids. Thinking of how bad they are is not gonna make me happy, sometimes I wish I were them instead. Because for some of them, they know that death is coming soon; and they accepted it. They are the ones who truely enjoy life till their death. You can say I'm envious...
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Well-known member
I feel good, only a little tired, but Im going to try to sleep now. Expecting a good night sleep and a good wake up. Well I know I wont get to sleep right away because I always have to listen to music to calm me down (even if Im already calm).


Well-known member
i'm nervous about a graduation coming up in a few weeks, you have to wear a uniform and stand in front of a crowd to accept a paper but even though i've tried public speeches before this still feels like a scary moment, because family are there...i just hope i dont trip up on stage or look awkward ...

Adriano - You'll feel better, i'm sure whatever it is that is bothering you will clear up soon, try and distract yourself with something that takes whatever it is off your mind for a while

square-eyes: hair spray is the best thing for a big spider like that, it'll take a few minutes but it should freeze the spider so you can stamp it with a broom.

anomicdeer - i find two good nights sleep a week can even things out if you've had some insomnia nights...



You might wanna turn down your volume...
I feel really good. I'm practicing for a talent show here in town.. But although my grandma says I could probably not make it because i can't speak up for myself.. She says I don't have to act shy.. Cuz then I will fail. :[
And also my body language have to be different.. She's right about that.
My voice is good, but the rest is a big lack of confidence.
So that is a big point on the stage. And i also have stage fright so it's really exciting. But i'm still gonna do it. I just wanna sing!!! cuz it's my hobby ::eek::

And this afternoon I will go shopping with my mom, yay =D
lost.. need to let out some energy, so im buggin my dad, its a weird thing:p
and i havent done much studying, so im feeling like a failure :/
and my grades will go down and ill have no life waht so ever :/


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Why do people always want to kill creatures just because they occupy the same space? It doesn't know it's not supposed to be there.
Seriously! Most creatures that end up in the house I carefully put back outside. If it's a spider I'll often just let it be in the house--it's probably there because it found food, and its food is the things that bother me. Spiders are your friends! I do put the black widows back outside.


Well-known member
I just feel like giving up now, really. I just have so many issues to deal with and so many things to solve before I can even function on an average basis. I just wish I could start my life again, and this time have some measure of control over things.
emu noodles said:
I just feel like giving up now, really. I just have so many issues to deal with and so many things to solve before I can even function on an average basis. I just wish I could start my life again, and this time have some measure of control over things.

Well, then. Instead of counting how many weaknesses you have and doing nothing else, perhaps because of the frustration and hopelessness you might feel, start by taking the decision you are willing to change and then start taking some action. I have shared some ideas on this on this thread yesterday. At first, you might try reversing the thoughts which brought you at this position and start thinking positively, aligning first your mind and thought pattern to the life you wish to have and slowly moving on from there to more tangible things.

You just have to be courageous and say that you are willing to change and be disciplined. You don't have to face your fears from day one. Give time to yourself by working from within at first, cultivating your mind for the new life that you are planning for. Remember, our body is the vehicle, but the driver is our mind and it is he who is the one responsible for staying on track at all times and keeping the vehicle in good condition...