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  • You know...a good perv. :) Something like that. Anyway, good luck with the job, my friend.
    Hey, Kristina. Good luck with the job. I hope you get it and you get to have a nice perv on your workmates. :)
    I have aged a lot since I was 20, thanks to depression and anxiety, but thank you. :) I'm still in my 20's so I don't want to look like a wrinkly old man just yet!
    Awkwardness does suck indeed! We'll both get through it eventually.

    You're not attractive? Please. You're gorgeous! And yeah, Jewel and I go way back, haha. :D
    You say that now, but I reckon you'll be sick of my death metal and wearing nothing but band shirts all the time. ;)

    See, it happens here and nowhere else. I take the compliments but I just don't believe it. I never get so many girls around me in real life. I guess the girls that see me see my awkwardness, which a single photo doesn't show. But...I will definitely take the compliments.

    You are Miss. Popular yourself! The guys should all be at your feet!
    I don't know if you could handle my heavy metal addiction. ::p: Thank you, though - you are very sweet. :)
    There's nothing wrong with that. There'll be plenty of others!

    If only that were the case, but sadly, it is not. :) It will happen for me eventually - just like it will for you, too!
    Don't rule it out. Be on the lookout for other men, though - I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding a guy with your friendly personality and gorgeous looks. ;)

    Haha, not really that popular! Especially in real life!
    That's a good result, Kristina. No feelings were hurt, it was mutual, and everything worked out for the best for the both of you. You gained a new friend out of it, too, and who knows - maybe later down the road you two might decide to date again.

    It's unfortunate you're feeling lonely - I'm getting a bit of that of late, too - but you'll find someone else, I promise. :) You're a sweet girl.
    Yeah, take what you can get and hopefully something better will come up later. Cars are expensive and you need to dump money into them to keep them on the road (probably cheaper in America than here in Australia). Getting a car is great for your freedom, though. Good luck, Kristina! :)
    That's not very much! In fact that's hardly anything. It's a good start to get back to work, though, especially if you've been out of work for some time. I still hope you get it and enjoy it. :)
    I work three in the moorning, and three in the afternoon. Sundays is three in the morning and two in the evening. So I do a split shift. It has its ups and downs!
    Sometimes it's good when nobody talks to you. :) My afternoon shift I'm all alone so I have my iPod, so I can get the best of both worlds.

    I really hope you get this job! I know you'll love it. :)
    Both, really. I have some police friends, and some from police radio, and most people in the building know who I am. It's a challenge trying to remember literally hundreds of names.

    Okay, we both are. ;)
    It is kind of awesome, actually. I have made some friends there.

    No, you are. :) (Thank you.)
    Hey, your job is going to be similar to mine! I clean a police station. Unfortunately there's lots of people around. I hope you get it!

    Not yet, but I like you and I'm hoping for the best! :D
    Wow, that's great! New job in the works. What's the job? I hope you get it because earning money is really good. Money is good.

    New job and new boyfriend. I sense things are going to be looking up for you, Kristina!
    I've been good. Just got back about an hour ago from seeing a band. It's very late and I haven't slept so I'm going to pay for it later. :)

    How about you? Apart from the awesome date? :)
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