How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I know the feeling Graeme. I too feel as though I should have ended it all years ago just to prevent any further misery and failures.


Well-known member
Nervous, on edge, anxious as heck. Made an appointment for this afternoon to get my car inspected so I can renew the registration and keep the gangsters who run my apartment complex from having it towed next week (also some kinda legal shiz, blah, blah, blah). I'm not at all sure I'm ready to go out anywhere, especially in broad daylight. The last few months have not been kind, and I've been recovering very slowly. What if I can't go after all? What if I go and the car doesn't pass? I don't have much time to get things fixed if it doesn't. What if they jump the gun and tow it this morning instead of waiting until next week? I don't trust these people one inch when it comes to keeping their word. They've shown me too many times that I can't. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for the next few hours except worry. I'm too nervous to do much else.

As things turned out, all that worry was for nothing. I made it to the car place right on time, the old girl passed her inspection, and then I was in and out of the DMV with plenty of time to spare to hit a couple of early-closing thrift shops. Scored a few good deals, too. :D

Why do I spend so much time and effort worrying about stuff like that? Such a waste. :eek:mg:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah wish I'd just die already. There's no point in struggling on. :sad:

Despite what they say now, ah'll always feel like a disappointment to my family. Never good enough.
A failure for not lving up to their expectations. And a snob because I refuse to act, or be, just like them.


Well-known member
Every morning when I wake up, I am miserable because I realize that this mental hell is my day to day life. However, some days that reality hits you even harder and those are the days that you look out a window and daydream about jumping. One a side note I read somewhere one time that the odds of you being born were about 1 in 400 trillion. HOW THE F**K DID I MANAGE TO LOSE WITH THOSE ODDS.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I don't belong here.

Yep! I can relate. :sad:

Am feeling quite irritated and depressed that I'm constantly made to feel guilty for being me, and for putting my needs and happiness ahead of ma family. Like I don't really matter as much, but then that's how I get treated.


Well-known member
Too tired to do the things I need to do. Do I need to get more sleep? More caffeine? More Vitameatavegamin? What am I doing wrong here? :idontknow:


Well-known member
This sinking feeling that as hard as I try, ultimately things will not end well for me.

The story of my life right there. Years of this has caused my perspective of death to change from something I fear to something I look forward to as it is the only thing that I can think of that will rid me of this pain.


Well-known member
^ Yep, I hear what you are saying Defiance. I wake up with a feeling of dread; and want to curl up in a ball and sleep forever.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Like I should be happy, but I'm not. :sad: Ah feel really drained mentally and physically. Don't huv the energy to do anything. So much to do, not enough time. It's hard to wake up and face the day feelin' upbeat n' enthusiastic.

Also, struggling with thoughts of suicide. But been keepin' those to myself. Since opening up to family about it last time didnae exactly get the reaction you'd expect from loved ones; who huv just been told someone they care about doesn't feel like living anymore.


Well-known member
Like I should be happy, but I'm not. :sad: Ah feel really drained mentally and physically. Don't huv the energy to do anything. So much to do, not enough time. It's hard to wake up and face the day feelin' upbeat n' enthusiastic.

Also, struggling with thoughts of suicide. But been keepin' those to myself. Since opening up to family about it last time didnae exactly get the reaction you'd expect from loved ones; who huv just been told someone they care about doesn't feel like living anymore.

It really is hard to wake up and feel enthusiastic about a day that you know will more than likely be like the day before and so forth. You try to make the best of it but those issues that we struggle with already have our daily agenda written for us before we even wake up in the morning. Suicidal through are something I can relate to as well. I have them all too often. The thought of ending it all should not bring joy to a person, but the fact that it does proves that the suffering we endure is great and we want it to stop.

I'm sorry that your family won't accept what you are going through as something worth their time and attention. That just isn't right especially since you opened up about it to them. They should respect your situation as a real problem and try to help out in any way they can.
Tired of trying to walk with both my legs tied together with an invisible rope.

All I can do is jump, which wears me out quicker.
But I can't seem to get rid of the high expectations I have of myself, which are actually the left over brainwashing from other people.

I wish other people could see the invisible rope tied around my legs. :sad:


Well-known member
Trying to give up Pepsi Max. 102, 80, and currently 39 hours, are my best efforts. The caffiene withdrawal headache isn't too bad, but my thoughts are still hammering away.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Held back from being truly happy. :sad: And I probably never will, until my mum's finally dead. Since she's determined to cling to me like needy, selfish, petty child who can't cope on their own, and hates no getttin' things their way.

Fed up with my family makin' me feel like I'm an awful person for doing as I please, rather than following their shitty advice. And I'm at my wits end with ma mum's compulsive hoarding habit - one of the main reason ah want her outta ma life for good. But her and ma sisters keeping up pretense that "she cannae help being that way. Awww, diddums... Aye, sure.

And they wonder why ah've always got that dour, pissed off look on ma face. As well as collective hate them. It's because I'm the yin who has tolerate this shite: The backwards logic; the immaturity; the bitchy remark; the arguments. Yet they openly give me guff for merely sayin' "No" to their suggestions, as if theirs is the only opinion that matters.

If there's one thing ah've learnt in ma short time in this world, it's that's yer happiness isn't not - and shouldn't - be determined by other people.


Well-known member
In the town I live I am hated my many. It might be easier if I disappeared.
I drank a litre of Pepsi Max just before bed, now my thoughts are in a very bad place.
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