How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Yesterday I boarded a plane to return to the town I live. I looked at the name of that town on my boarding pass, and I felt dread. When the plane started to descend, a fear rose up in me. Going back to this place is like a descent into purgatory. I've searched for a name of this fear- fear of towns. I couldn't find a name but it seems many feel the same way.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Unable to sleep, apprehensive about this dare that my sister's talk me into this upcoming weekend. Nothing risky, just summit really dumb for a laugh. Don't know whether up the stakes and make it a bet? :question: Not just because money is an added incentive - but to make me more like to do it.

I mean, I'm dumb enough to do what she's dared me to, ah just don't want my anxiety to get in the way.

Though, ah do wish she'd stop giving me style suggestions for ma beard. If ah could grow yin like or similar to Will Smith, believe me ah would. But my facial hair is too patchy at the sides to merge with my moustache. :eek:h:

Also, am I the only yin who blushes whenever ah get a compliment? :shyness:


Well-known member
Sitting here drinking again trying to forget.

I have been doing this more and more myself as of late. Sometimes I drink more than I should just to really numb out the mind and just lay down on the bed trying to enjoy that feeling before it is gone.


Well-known member
I have been doing this more and more myself as of late. Sometimes I drink more than I should just to really numb out the mind and just lay down on the bed trying to enjoy that feeling before it is gone.

It's a shame the feeling doesn't last longer.


Well-known member
Some people ply me with drink to get me to talk and be less morose. I'm not sure how I feel about that really. I know they're tryin to help 'cheer me up' but it would be nice if someone close to me was actually interested in why I was morose instead of just drugging me out of it for a few hours at a time. On the other hand, being a moody sod I'd probably give them a hard time if they tried to discuss that deep sort of stuff with me anyway. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Any dreams of maybe one day actually liking people tend to disappear once I am among people. Even the ones I like.


Well-known member
Quite down at the moment—not sure why. Somebody did something or didn't do something, or I did or didn't, or something like that. The same old chronic condition: another day, another dolor. Eh, whatever. It'll pass, and then it'll come back again, over and over, coming and going like the tides, wearing me down tiny bit by tiny bit until there's nothing left but a memory and no one left to recall it.


Well-known member
Only two more days of torture, and the painting of my unit is finished. I freaked the painter out, I can't keep eye contact with her.