You know what when you live in a place like I do, you're better off dead than being socially anxious or socially awkward or very sensitive, anxious in general. What does it matter that you try your best to overcome these things, what does it matter that you try not to blame other people without any evidence, that you try not to be overtly judgmental, that you genuinely just try to be honest about your feelings and get along with others. Nah these things don't really count as positive things here. You're either really loud, outspoken, overexpress or you're considered a snob. You have to show you REALLY worry about trival things or you're a cold bitch, you have to exaggarate your feelings for others to an unbelievable extent or you're mean, you have to show people when you're upset by acting like a drama queen or you're just saying this to attract attention. Oh and never ever mention that you have social phobia or you're depressed or you're not good with words because these things don't exist. These are just excuses you're making up because you're a mean, selfish bitch. But these people know better. They don't have any tolerance for anyone who's not talktive, over expressive or don't feel comfortable creating a scene when they're hurt or down.