How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I went for a walk in the rain. It was absolutely wonderful.
I love walking in the rain! Maybe not torrential rain but just a normal downpour. It's awesome. :)

Woke up angry this morning and with suicidal thoughts. But, after eating a couple cups of strawberries with a banana and yogurt, I feel better.
I'm glad you're feeling better, mate. Maybe you just needed some healthy food.


Well-known member
i feel an ancient on-going force that i deserve to die more than anybody, and possibly that everybody that knows me would be happier if I were to get it over with. Obviously I don't have it in me to take action on this, or I wouldn't hate myself so. Speaking or typing about it reinforces it... because i'm passing on pain. But i cant pent it up forevah.
i feel like my time on earth has past its expiry date...that my best days are behind me, that i'm now just the walking dead, with no purpose, a ship out in the ocean without a rudder, aimless...bideing time. When my life is uneventfull, i feel a great emptyness...when opportunities come my way, i wish it to slow down, like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. sigh.
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Well-known member
It's just a feeling yo. Not to mention, it's hard to be around depressed people when actively in a moment.If they don't grow enough to one's expectations they drag others down, no?
Being around depressed people does drag you down, yes. Are you trying to avoid that?


Well-known member
It's funny whenever I spend time with people, I am always looking for a chance to walk away and be on my own.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Depressed as f**k! Ah've lost aw confidence in ma creative ability. :sad:

And it doesnae matter how many times ah hear "Yer good!" of me, that wee voice in ma heid dismisses it as "Sh*te! Utter pish!". :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Feeling conflicted. Trying to decide which IT field I should specialize in. Systems Analysis? Database Admin? Software Development? Network Security? So many to choose from! I'm thinking of a field that plays to my strengths as well as captures my interests.
Ok I'll try post this again...its hard to post cause I feel conceited writing it...

I have been invited for an interview by a very exclusive University. I only applied there because I applied everywhere but I never, in a million years imagined I'd hear back from this crowd. I am in absolute shock! I just had to tell someone I can not tell my class mates about this.

Ok now Im back to studying for my finals and Ill see you guys in a week

That's awesome! :thumbup: :thumbup:


Well-known member
Ok I'll try post this again...its hard to post cause I feel conceited writing it...

I have been invited for an interview by a very exclusive University. I only applied there because I applied everywhere but I never, in a million years imagined I'd hear back from this crowd. I am in absolute shock! I just had to tell someone I can not tell my class mates about this.

Ok now Im back to studying for my finals and Ill see you guys in a week
Hey, that's great! I'm happy for you, joule. :D Keep us updated.
Ok I'll try post this again...its hard to post cause I feel conceited writing it...

I have been invited for an interview by a very exclusive University. I only applied there because I applied everywhere but I never, in a million years imagined I'd hear back from this crowd. I am in absolute shock! I just had to tell someone I can not tell my class mates about this.

Ok now Im back to studying for my finals and Ill see you guys in a week

^Wow joule, congrats on being invited for that interview, wishing you good luck for whenever you're going for it!:thumbup: and good luck on your finals as well:)

Now I am older I know that I have just as much a right to exist and go about my existance day to day as anyone else.
However my mind just can't shake the feeling that I am less worthy then all other people.
The fact that I am a less worthy human then others, was entrenched in my mind from years of bullying by the same group of kids at a school 31 years ago. No type of therapy has been able to "undo" the circuits in my brain that were laid down all those years ago.
I used to feel angry about what those kids did to me, but now I just feel despair.


Well-known member
Now I am older I know that I have just as much a right to exist and go about my existance day to day as anyone else.
However my mind just can't shake the feeling that I am less worthy then all other people.
The fact that I am a less worthy human then others, was entrenched in my mind from years of bullying by the same group of kids at a school 31 years ago. No type of therapy has been able to "undo" the circuits in my brain that were laid down all those years ago.
I used to feel angry about what those kids did to me, but now I just feel despair.

what could i do to make you feel worthy?