How are you feeling?


Well-known member
unexplained lightheadedness and dizziness all day, along with some queaziness in my gut

according to webMD, i may be suffering from internal bleeding
I would see a doctor, man. It could be something simple, but it might not be, too. I hope you're okay.

I'm not a big fan of carrots but I've included it as one of my daily vegetables. Just finished one and.........I'm craving another. Huh?!....That's weird!

Cool, eating healthy just got even easier. I'm getting another one.
That's great! My body has an adverse reaction to uncooked carrots for whatever reason, but they are very good for you, so eat away! :thumbup:


Well-known member
Are you getting enough iron in your diet? Maybe you should get your iron levels checked?
Whenever I feel lightheaded or dizzy I increase my iron intake to start with.
Have you ever had low blood pressure? That can cause that too.

It's a paradox, but high and low iron levels cause the same symptoms.

I have haemochromatosis, iron overload disorder, the symptom of which is fatigue.

Iron levels are something worth checking.


Well-known member
Ok so I made deadline for final submissions after pulling another allnighter. And I think the stuff I finally submitted was pretty good. But it sucked the life out of me. I got home last night having not eaten or slept in I don't know how long, ate some cookies and fell asleep only to wake up 13 hours later. Now I am rehydrated and have slept, I'm back at my desk. Final exams in T-1.5 days. I'll talk to you in all in a week. :)
You're a superhuman. Good luck.


Well-known member
What Graeme said Nanita, you're so not a failure. I hope you feel better.

Thank you!!

I feel good today, after a week of misery in general...
I´m hanging on to this good feeling as long as I can.
Being productive, drawing and rehearsing songs.


Well-known member
I'm going to get brand new (quality) running shoes today and I'm nervous. Not because they'll have to observe my gait or because I'll have to deal with salespeople or anything like that. I'm nervous because they're so damn expensive and I'm hoping against hope I can find one that suits my style and is on sale.

Chances are probably slim, but I wish I could find a great pair for under $100. Oh, well. Even if I have to shell out more, they will be a million times better than my current pair that hurt my feet. It will be worth it when I don't have to stop in the middle because of foot fatigue.

I often buy my running shoes online or at Factory outlet shops. I often get them cheaper that way. or road runner sports for example, they are often much cheaper than they are in the running shoe shops where I live. Brooks and New Balance have factory outlet stores that I sometimes visit to see what is on sale.