How are you feeling?

i feel good, yesterday was my 21st birthday and had a really good time with family c:

at the same time i'm all nervous though because i'm officially an adult and i have to get my s**t together *hides*

Happy birthday! I'm going to be 26 this summer and I still don't have my **** together. I know people who are 50+ who don't have everything together in a sense that they still change jobs and careers and move to different towns and generally haven't settled down. As an "adult," there are some different things expected of you, but that doesn't mean you have to be settled and perfect now. Messing up is a part of adulthood, unfortunately...

And I just ruined your b-day. Sorry!! :thumbup:
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Well-known member
*spins feeling wheel for 10th time today*
What did it land on this time?

I feel like someone stabbed me in the heart. It hurts...a lot but I've to survive.
Oh, no. ::(: What happened?

i feel good, yesterday was my 21st birthday and had a really good time with family c:

at the same time i'm all nervous though because i'm officially an adult and i have to get my s**t together *hides*
There's this social expectation that you are to get everything in your life sorted and in order by the time you're 30. House, wife/husband, kids, car, dog, career, interests...all sorted out.

Hint: it doesn't work that way. ;)


Well-known member
that feeling where you can't tell anyone what's wrong cuz you don't know how to word it all and it probably wouldn't get across anyway.
i know everyone's got problems but i wish i had someone i could say anything to and they'd understand and help me feel better. most of the time i'm glad i can hide my mess, but i still wish i could just let it go sometimes. have an empty house with no one anywhere near and not feel like i have to hold in any of it. be free.
my life will never be problem-free but i could do without the mental and emotional heavy weights. seems those are harder (for anyone) to deal with than physical stuff.
i hope charading doesn't go too far, even though part of me feels like gettin rid


Well-known member
that feeling where you can't tell anyone what's wrong cuz you don't know how to word it all and it probably wouldn't get across anyway.
i know everyone's got problems but i wish i had someone i could say anything to and they'd understand and help me feel better. most of the time i'm glad i can hide my mess, but i still wish i could just let it go sometimes. have an empty house with no one anywhere near and not feel like i have to hold in any of it. be free.
my life will never be problem-free but i could do without the mental and emotional heavy weights. seems those are harder (for anyone) to deal with than physical stuff.
i hope charading doesn't go too far, even though part of me feels like gettin rid
Well, you shouldn't keep it barred in; you've got to let it out or it will find its way out, probably in a way you didn't expect or wish for it to. If you need someone to talk to, then you could talk to your friends on here or just make a thread for anyone to contribute. If you don't feel comfortable with that, then you could write your feelings out or scream your feelings out into a pillow.


Well-known member
that feeling where you can't tell anyone what's wrong cuz you don't know how to word it all and it probably wouldn't get across anyway.
i know everyone's got problems but i wish i had someone i could say anything to and they'd understand and help me feel better. most of the time i'm glad i can hide my mess, but i still wish i could just let it go sometimes. have an empty house with no one anywhere near and not feel like i have to hold in any of it. be free.
my life will never be problem-free but i could do without the mental and emotional heavy weights. seems those are harder (for anyone) to deal with than physical stuff.
i hope charading doesn't go too far, even though part of me feels like gettin rid
I kept my depression hidden for years and years before finally letting it out and telling people. These days I barely hide it. I guarantee you will feel better once you let it out, whether it's to a psychologist, a trustworthy friend, your parents, or someone that'll listen. :thumbup:


Well-known member
Happy birthday! I'm going to be 26 this summer and I still don't have my **** together. I know people who are 50+ who don't have everything together in a sense that they still change jobs and careers and move to different towns and generally haven't settled down. As an "adult," there are some different things expected of you, but that doesn't mean you have to be settled and perfect now. Messing up is a part of adulthood, unfortunately...

And I just ruined your b-day. Sorry!! :thumbup:

Thanks c: you didn't ruin it hahah.

yeah i know. That sort of stuff is always on my mind though :s

We'll get it eventually...XD


Well-known member
How did my self esteem become so poor? When was the turning point in my life and what circumstances created this situation? I know is was when I was young, but I really wish that I could travel back in time and find the situation or situations that created this constant self doubt and deal with the situation in a way that would prevent the onset of avoidant behaviours and social phobia/anxiety. I have so little self confidence anymore that I am starting to avoid leaving the house to buy food etc and would rather go hungry and use multivitamins.
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Well-known member
I'm a loathsome person. I hurt my best friend. She's the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She offered me love and friendship, and I pushed her away. I hate myself. I didn't mean to hurt her. I just blurted out something insensitive because I was upset at the time. I just want to tell her how sorry I am. I just want us to be friends again. Now I'm afraid I'll never see her again. Why do I destroy everything? I've got nothing now. All she was trying to do was make me feel better and tell me everything was going to be okay. Why couldn't I just accept her love? Everything really would have been okay if I did that. Now it feels like nothing will ever be okay again. I don't know how I'm going to live with myself.


Well-known member
I'm a loathsome person. I hurt my best friend. She's the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She offered me love and friendship, and I pushed her away. I hate myself. I didn't mean to hurt her. I just blurted out something insensitive because I was upset at the time. I just want to tell her how sorry I am. I just want us to be friends again. Now I'm afraid I'll never see her again. Why do I destroy everything? I've got nothing now. All she was trying to do was make me feel better and tell me everything was going to be okay. Why couldn't I just accept her love? Everything really would have been okay if I did that. Now it feels like nothing will ever be okay again. I don't know how I'm going to live with myself.

If you have a way to contact her, then you should do so and tell her how sorry you are. If you don't, then you should look for her. Things aren't over yet. We all have angry outbursts at times; what's important is that you own up to it and try to make up for it.


Well-known member
If you have a way to contact her, then you should do so and tell her how sorry you are. If you don't, then you should look for her. Things aren't over yet. We all have angry outbursts at times; what's important is that you own up to it and try to make up for it.

I left her a message. I know she doesn't want to talk to me right now. So that's the best I can do. She has helped me with so much of my emotional garbage. She's so amazing. I don't even feel like I deserve her friendship. I'm rotten, rotten to the core. I betrayed her trust, and now I've insulted her.


Well-known member
I left her a message. I know she doesn't want to talk to me right now. So that's the best I can do. She has helped me with so much of my emotional garbage. She's so amazing. I don't even feel like I deserve her friendship. I'm rotten, rotten to the core. I betrayed her trust, and now I've insulted her.

Give her some time to herself. Let her calm down. And she wouldn't have been friends with you if she didn't think you were "worthy of her friendship".


Well-known member
Tired, headache-y and ill. :(

Sunday afternoon another gall-stone attack began... (I've suffered with them for around five years now) Thankfully, despite being incredibly painful, there was no vomiting this time (a rarity with my gall-stone attacks)... The pain continued all day yesterday and during most of the night... Around 6am the pain had eased, and now my entire abdomen just feels tender... I still feel bloated and don't want to eat, however - I haven't eaten since lunchtime on Sunday - just a couple of mugs of apple and pear juice to provide some nutrients... From past experience I've learned to definitely not eat until I'm feeling very hungry again. So I wonder when that will be...

But, despite my abdomen feeling tender, and being light-headed thanks to lack of food, I must mow the lawns today... *sigh*


Well-known member
Frustrated and disappointed in myself and my performance on a recent assignment and with allowing myself to fall so far behind.

Missing my partner considerably and feeling lonely, lost and unwanted


Hie yer hence from me heath!
F**kin' sh*te! Depressed as per f**kin' usual. :sad: Dae ye ever get the feelin' naeboday care aboot ye? Like what ye say falls on deaf ear. In other words this: :alone:

Ye know what, eh, ah just feel like am here tae please those around me - ma family in this case. The constant f**kin' pressure becomin' unbearable at this point tae be perfect honest wi' ye. Do this, do that! Aye, okay! Not once do ah say "Aw! Just f**k off, would ye?!" Naw! An' ye see, that's ma problem! Too nice on outside - which hides the fact am a dour, cruel, miserable bastard on the inside.

And if me feelin' like crap wasnae bad enough, eh? Tae make things f***in' worse... ma f**kin' sister got upset yesterday an' complained tae our mum that ah huv'nae worn the t-shirt she bought for ma birthday. A f**kin' t-shirt of aw things! Really?! Ah mean who...?! Who the f**k makes an issue o' somethin' like that?! Get a f**kin' life! If that doesnae show a level o' immaturity then what does? Aw, f**k... forget it! :kickingmyself:

Ah could rant aboot how am feelin' but am just on the verge o' emotionally snappin'. Ah wish ah had someone tae talk to... Ah wish ah could feel geniuely happy again instead of huvin' tae fake a smile. Ah cannae f**kin' take this anymair. :crying:


Well-known member
That's terrible Starry, I'm very sorry to hear that. You said it's been 5 years, I assume you've seen someone about having them removed? Suffering this way must be extremely unpleasant for you, I am sorry.

Thank you. Nope - going to the doctors is just far too stressful. This is stressful too, but at least no other people are involved... Although, last night I thought I might end up in hospital, since it went much worse again... I seem to be a little bit improved this morning, but I thought that yesterday too, so I'm not getting my hopes up yet.


Well-known member
F**kin' sh*te! Depressed as per f**kin' usual. :sad: Dae ye ever get the feelin' naeboday care aboot ye? Like what ye say falls on deaf ear. In other words this: :alone:

Ye know what, eh, ah just feel like am here tae please those around me - ma family in this case. The constant f**kin' pressure becomin' unbearable at this point tae be perfect honest wi' ye. Do this, do that! Aye, okay! Not once do ah say "Aw! Just f**k off, would ye?!" Naw! An' ye see, that's ma problem! Too nice on outside - which hides the fact am a dour, cruel, miserable bastard on the inside.

And if me feelin' like crap wasnae bad enough, eh? Tae make things f***in' worse... ma f**kin' sister got upset yesterday an' complained tae our mum that ah huv'nae worn the t-shirt she bought for ma birthday. A f**kin' t-shirt of aw things! Really?! Ah mean who...?! Who the f**k makes an issue o' somethin' like that?! Get a f**kin' life! If that doesnae show a level o' immaturity then what does? Aw, f**k... forget it! :kickingmyself:

Ah could rant aboot how am feelin' but am just on the verge o' emotionally snappin'. Ah wish ah had someone tae talk to... Ah wish ah could feel geniuely happy again instead of huvin' tae fake a smile. Ah cannae f**kin' take this anymair. :crying:
Hang in there mate.
Feeling alone at the moment due to my daily routine work.
today I am alone doing work in my shop without my father and feeling lonely.
he have some business meeting in Ontario. I can't spend my full time in shop.