How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Me too! I hate that!

Or when they ask 'so any plans for the weekend' or'getting your hair done for a special night?' or 'Any holidays booked?'
If they ask what you're doing on the weekend, just say, "I'm off to the woods to dump...oops, I've said too much." That'll keep them very, very quiet. ;)

Severely depressed. Wish I could wipe myself away from existence, but I'm too much of a coward.
I don't want you gone from existence. ::(:

I'm feeling great after my weekend away to see Fiona. I'm low on sleep but it's alright. :) Just feeling good all round.


Well-known member
Extremely fatigued, disappointed in myself.. wishing time would slow down a bit so that I can get some rest and maybe start fresh.


Active member
Depressed because tomorrow is monday :thumbdown: I hate mondays :sad:

Severely depressed. Wish I could wipe myself away from existence, but I'm too much of a coward.

I know how you feel :(

I'm sorry there are so many people feeling badly right now. Wish I had the power to make things better. But if anyone feels like they need someone to talk to, you can always PM me if you feel like it.


Well-known member
Weary. I believe the anti-depressant I've been taking has been causing vivid dreams, muscle twitches, sleepiness and teeth grinding.

Switching it to the morning in hopes I don't sleep all of tomorrow away.


Well-known member
Weary. I believe the anti-depressant I've been taking has been causing vivid dreams, muscle twitches, sleepiness and teeth grinding.

Switching it to the morning in hopes I don't sleep all of tomorrow away.

I hope you feel better soon too.


Well-known member
:) I really smiled. I am the black sheep. It's sad though. Thanks.

Mine too. Don't let them get to you Nathália, you're a great person.
You're both great people. Nathalia, nothing wrong with being the black sheep. :)

Weary. I believe the anti-depressant I've been taking has been causing vivid dreams, muscle twitches, sleepiness and teeth grinding.

Switching it to the morning in hopes I don't sleep all of tomorrow away.
That sucks. ::(: Maybe you could switch medication? Or do you have to wait until these side-effects wear off?
so-so. kinda sucks when you want to make people happy and you dont even know them. since when has joviality become faux pas? they say "who the heck was that happy weirdo?” ah, social barriers are lame and outdated.


Well-known member
bored and lonely, i hate my sleep pattern being so messed up havent slept at all tonight and had no-one to talk to..maybe i need to meet people from america or australia

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Listening to Henry Rollins rage gives me that push that may get me going or stall out again. I am going through the few things I own in an attempt to downsize it again, my ideal amount would be just a decent sized bag of everything I own. So far I am down to a green military trunk and some books and computer.