How are you feeling?


Good. I am very busy. I am making a real difference in the real world and not spending so much time reading the judgmental conceited garbage on here which is a good thing.

Hope the people I like and care about are good though - yall know who you are :)
Good. I am very busy. I am making a real difference in the real world and not spending so much time reading the judgmental conceited garbage on here which is a good thing.

^Nasty much? :sad:

This is a support site. That put down was uncalled for.:sad:


Staff member
^Nasty much? :sad:

This is a support site. That put down was uncalled for.:sad:

I'm sure it's just a leg pull, I mean it's being judgemental to say people are judgemental (oh no, now I'm being judgemental!) ;)

Hope the people I like and care about are good though - yall know who you are :)



Well-known member
Good. I am very busy. I am making a real difference in the real world and not spending so much time reading the judgmental conceited garbage on here which is a good thing.

Hope the people I like and care about are good though - yall know who you are :)

awesome! you're my hero :thumbup:

coincidentally, there has been much less judgmental conceited garbage to read while you have been away :idontknow:


Good. I am very busy. I am making a real difference in the real world and not spending so much time reading the judgmental conceited garbage on here which is a good thing.

Huh :confused: I have no idea what you are refering to, the only judgmental conceited garbage seems to be this post of yours.


^Nasty much? :sad:

This is a support site. That put down was uncalled for.:sad:

Is it? As long as you only say things that the majority likes, then it is.

I am only reiterating what has been mentioned many times before - perhaps just not as subtly.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Haven't been sleep well much, lately. Just so depressed! Wonder if am daein' the right thing? Ah don't even know... :idontknow:

Am just sick, fed-up with constantly being taken advantage o' me all the time. :sad: Nae wonder ah just keep most people at a distance, family included.

Ah, mean it's hard enough tryin' tae be a nice person and fit intae society as best ye can. But with a disability it's... a f**kin' nightmare! Well, the latter o' the two is damn near impossible, because the disabled cannae fully fit intae a society that no build for them. Speakin' fae ma ain personal experience, anyway...

As ah said, being taken advantage of aw the time - it's no nice, tae say the least. But then, don't want to upset or disappoint anybody.

People only seem tae be nice tae me or talk tae me when they want something from me. And being emotionally manipulated intae "promising" people you'll do something just because it's been suggested. That's fun, innit? :kickingmyself: Nae freedom o' choice, just agree dispite yer clear discomfort - don't question "Why?" - just shut the f**k up and do it! It's for you... and the oldest sibling is rarely ever wrong! And youngest sibling is tae be seen and not heard - it's better that way. :sad:

Sorry for that depressing rant, by the way!


awesome! you're my hero :thumbup:

coincidentally, there has been much less judgmental conceited garbage to read while you have been away :idontknow:

Clever. Will be getting back to you about that PM pretty soon coyote.

Back to the real world - where you don't feel worse off from participating in a supposed support site.

Yeah I know... but you don't know me, and I am good with that.

Lets just carry on.
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not actually Fiona Apple
Like all I've been doing lately is wallowing and complaining, here and more so at myself and to nobody. I just feel really bad, especially when I am by myself not doing anything. My own company makes my uncomfortable and I don't know how to explain it, just not good. And ' I don't know what's even causing it, I think I may just be cracking up. I'm lost and confused, I don't know how I've become the person I am. I don't know I don't know anything.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Like all I've been doing lately is wallowing and complaining, here and more so at myself and to nobody. And ' I don't know what's even causing it, I think I may just be cracking up. I'm lost and confused, I don't know how I've become the person I am. I don't know I don't know anything.

Same here... :idontknow:


Well-known member
it's a nice day outside.
i feel like keeping the blackout curtains shut and not leaving this bed. nothing.


Well-known member
thanks... i need to focus on goals and moving forward... maybe tonight i will attend a codependency group... because even though he blatantly attempted to murder my spirit... i still am obsessed with returning to him and "fixing" everything. it is eff'ed, i know it is eff'ed. he is obviously a sick, sick individual. but so am i, when this is my frame of mind.

i'm grateful for you people on this site. just having open antenna out there... thank you.


Unloved, hated, lonely, frustrated - the usual. Sometimes I think I can´t go on like this anymore with all this **** repeating (don´t wish to hear my father shouting), without going crazy. I wonder how come I am still more or less sane despite that, or at least I appear to be if I talk to people, they couldn´t even say I am unhappy probably because I don´t show it.

I think human´s life is quite unimportant, the pain we go through is unimportant. Life is so easily created and so easily destroyed, so why should it matter much. The same with things we cling to or regret. In the end we generously lose everything. So why should it matter. We cling to everything so much, most of all to our bare life. But nature doesn´t care.. One innocent cut with scissors can take our beauty away for a long time. One cut with an axe can severe our head and make a total difference to everything what our life used to be. Just one cut, and where our lifelong learnings and yearnings have gone? Isn´t life just only a silly thing? If it wasn´t silly, it couldn´t be so easily lost, could it? We´re just like puppets or a dust in the wind. But I think it´s our material bodies that aren´t that much important, because they are very easily replaceable. Maybe there is someting about us that is invisible and goes on after the material has gone. I don´t believe all that we learned in life goes lost. No I don´t. Maybe our material bodies and lives and what we think and feel in here are just building material for someting else, which is more important than this. We´re only like seeds and a nourishment for a flower. So the flower is important, the seed is just a raw material and transitory stage of life. We with our fears, pains, aspirations, regrets etc., will be thrown into a melting pot which has no mercy to us and something new will be created from it. I don´t like the thought of myself to be just a brick in the wall, but maybe it is so. We have to accept that life is cruel and we are unimportant. :thumbup: I also think that there is something to life which isn´t seen, like when you kill someone, he goes on in the invisible side of life. But that´s just my belief.


Well-known member
Unloved, hated, lonely, frustrated - the usual. Sometimes I think I can´t go on like this anymore with all this **** repeating (don´t wish to hear my father shouting), without going crazy. I wonder how come I am still more or less sane despite that, or at least I appear to be if I talk to people, they couldn´t even say I am unhappy probably because I don´t show it.

I think human´s life is quite unimportant, the pain we go through is unimportant. Life is so easily created and so easily destroyed, so why should it matter much. The same with things we cling to or regret. In the end we generously lose everything. So why should it matter. We cling to everything so much, most of all to our bare life. But nature doesn´t care.. One innocent cut with scissors can take our beauty away for a long time. One cut with an axe can severe our head and make a total difference to everything what our life used to be. Just one cut, and where our lifelong learnings and yearnings have gone? Isn´t life just only a silly thing? If it wasn´t silly, it couldn´t be so easily lost, could it? We´re just like puppets or a dust in the wind. But I think it´s our material bodies that aren´t that much important, because they are very easily replaceable. Maybe there is someting about us that is invisible and goes on after the material has gone. I don´t believe all that we learned in life goes lost. No I don´t. Maybe our material bodies and lives and what we think and feel in here are just building material for someting else, which is more important than this. We´re only like seeds and a nourishment for a flower. So the flower is important, the seed is just a raw material and transitory stage of life. We with our fears, pains, aspirations, regrets etc., will be thrown into a melting pot which has no mercy to us and something new will be created from it. I don´t like the thought of myself to be just a brick in the wall, but maybe it is so. We have to accept that life is cruel and we are unimportant. :thumbup: I also think that there is something to life which isn´t seen, like when you kill someone, he goes on in the invisible side of life. But that´s just my belief.

(((lea))) i hope so... i want to believe.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Unloved, hated, lonely, frustrated - the usual. Sometimes I think I can´t go on like this anymore with all this **** repeating (don´t wish to hear my father shouting), without going crazy. I wonder how come I am still more or less sane despite that, or at least I appear to be if I talk to people, they couldn´t even say I am unhappy probably because I don´t show it.

I think human´s life is quite unimportant, the pain we go through is unimportant. Life is so easily created and so easily destroyed, so why should it matter much. The same with things we cling to or regret. In the end we generously lose everything. So why should it matter. We cling to everything so much, most of all to our bare life. But nature doesn´t care.. One innocent cut with scissors can take our beauty away for a long time. One cut with an axe can severe our head and make a total difference to everything what our life used to be. Just one cut, and where our lifelong learnings and yearnings have gone? Isn´t life just only a silly thing? If it wasn´t silly, it couldn´t be so easily lost, could it? We´re just like puppets or a dust in the wind. But I think it´s our material bodies that aren´t that much important, because they are very easily replaceable. Maybe there is someting about us that is invisible and goes on after the material has gone. I don´t believe all that we learned in life goes lost. No I don´t. Maybe our material bodies and lives and what we think and feel in here are just building material for someting else, which is more important than this. We´re only like seeds and a nourishment for a flower. So the flower is important, the seed is just a raw material and transitory stage of life. We with our fears, pains, aspirations, regrets etc., will be thrown into a melting pot which has no mercy to us and something new will be created from it. I don´t like the thought of myself to be just a brick in the wall, but maybe it is so. We have to accept that life is cruel and we are unimportant. :thumbup: I also think that there is something to life which isn´t seen, like when you kill someone, he goes on in the invisible side of life. But that´s just my belief.

Ah wish ah could give you a big hug, Lea, darlin'. This'll huv tae do:

Hope ye feel better soon... :thumbup:


Well-known member
Scared to sleep..

Bit my lip very hard this morning after awakening from wild dreams and wasn't alert enough to care.

On another note, revisited old face book account and am now cleaning and sorting through the past.. needed to do so. Afraid of unfriending some people but I'm going to do it!