How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Sick and awful. I feel like I really can't live with my roommate anymore. Seriously I know it seems like I've been overreacting and whining over some simple issue but for me its becoming unbearable! Ugh!
^ Sorry to hear, Srijita. If you're having that much of a problem and can't work anything out with her, is there a way to possibly change roommates? Do you have a residential advisor (RA) you can speak to about it?

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Shame on you, for trying to have sex with a girl you barely know, never been in a relationship with. I would never do that. I'm sorry, but I find it a bit offensive.

I have been desperate for sex many times, but I would never try to shag a girl I barely no or just for sex. I have too much repsect for that, even if it's a prostitute or crappy girls (which there are plenty of crappy/bitchy girls where I live).

I'm not sure that labelling someone a "crappy girl" is very respectful. Also, since invisibleman and this girl are presumably both consenting adults, then if they both wanted to have sex (even though they barely know one another) I really don't see how any lack of respect is involved.


Well-known member
Feeling small and insignificant. With all the people who deal with this why do I feel like I'm all by myself on this planet? Excuse me for saying but some days I feel like a retard. Every one is living their life freely but I struggle because I'm retarded. Thst is what I feel like right now.


Well-known member
Could really use a cuddle, but the cat doesn't want to. Literally pushes her arms into my chest and refuses me. >:/


A bit depressed. I feel like I cause too much anguish on this forum.
I wish people knew me better.

Perhaps I should leave. I have a feeling I am indirectly putting people off coming to SPW.
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Well-known member
Im all alone in this house & I do not like it one bit. Being alone during the day is OK but not at night. And my scary Pit Bull, isn't much of guard dog, she'll probably guide you to my bedroom. freaking out.


Well-known member
A bit depressed. I feel like I cause too much anguish on this forum.
I wish people knew me better.

Perhaps I should leave. I have a feeling I am indirectly putting people off coming to SPW.

I don't really know you but I don't feel put off or feel like you cause any anguish. I think youre rather witty actually. I am sorry you're depressed-yah I know sorry doesn't make it go away but on some fun music and think about something happy.

but, don't leave the fourm. From the looks of things, people would really miss you.


Well-known member
Haha, one of my Bostons is quite the opposite. Everyone thinks he's so cute but he'd go after anyone who tried to break into the house! Looks can be very deceiving!

hahah isn't that the truth? Jemma is a scardy cat, when she hears loud bangs or yelling she'll run up to my room. It's so cute. I bet your dog is really cute though, boston terriers & boxers rank right up with my bullys.


Well-known member
hahah isn't that the truth? Jemma is a scardy cat, when she hears loud bangs or yelling she'll run up to my room. It's so cute. I bet your dog is really cute though, boston terriers & boxers rank right up with my bullys.
He *is* really cute but will bite your ankles if he doesn't like you for whatever reason. The boy's got "issues" but I love him dearly! ::p:


Well-known member
aw you should post a picture! ahaha omgosh they say if a dog doesn't like you it usually means something? Idk.
There is a pic of him in the post your pet pics thread! :) He's a mama's boy and can be very overprotective at times. But, at the same time he also loves most people! Like I said, he's got some strange quirks. He was one of my former fosters that was returned three times and then never left! :)


Well-known member
There is a pic of him in the post your pet pics thread! :) He's a mama's boy and can be very overprotective at times. But, at the same time he also loves most people! Like I said, he's got some strange quirks. He was one of my former fosters that was returned three times and then never left! :)

Ok, I am dognapping him so so cute. and why would anyone return such a lovely face like that. Welp, work out in your favor. That's how I feel about my Jemma!


Well-known member
I'm disappointed in myself! I'm trying to make a phone call and I've tried 6 times and I can't do it. My anxiety is playing up over it. I guess I will have to try again later.


Well-known member
A bit depressed. I feel like I cause too much anguish on this forum.
I wish people knew me better.

Perhaps I should leave. I have a feeling I am indirectly putting people off coming to SPW.

I'm sorry you feel like that. I think that you're wonderful.

Im all alone in this house & I do not like it one bit. Being alone during the day is OK but not at night. And my scary Pit Bull, isn't much of guard dog, she'll probably guide you to my bedroom. freaking out.

I'm 100% sure that she is a sweetest dog shakethelight, because you're a good pet owner and it could be her personality because animals are unique.

Depressed at the moment. Class is fine, but I'm just really worn out and tired.

I know how you are. I hope you get rest, sorry.


Well-known member