How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Good luck Graeme, I hope it does help you.

Went better than expected. My therapist actually discharged me - after reviewing my previous 2 sessions and seeing I had made considerable progress in overcoming my SA and had figured out enough ways to cope when I'm feeling anxious. And that can I now recognise my automatic negative thoughts as not true, and - in most cases - irrational. Which is good, so guess CBT has help lessen social anxiety. :D

But she said I'm welcome to restart my sessions if I wish after 3 months. I'd just need to phone and ask to be referred to her directly.

But if I wait longer than 3 months, I'd need to make an arrangement for more CBT sessions with my therapist through my GP again. :)
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Well-known member
Sick and awful. I feel like I really can't live with my roommate anymore. Seriously I know it seems like I've been overreacting and whining over some simple issue but for me its becoming unbearable! Ugh!

I dont think youve been overreacting. I think living with other people in general is stressful. Was this person your friend before you moved in together? If shes making you feel inferior that says to me she's insecure. and even though I don't know you, you seem pretty kind & easy going. I really cannot imagine you being hard to live with. Maybe have a talk with her? Set some house rules? Hope it works out.


Well-known member
Sick and awful. I feel like I really can't live with my roommate anymore. Seriously I know it seems like I've been overreacting and whining over some simple issue but for me its becoming unbearable! Ugh!

I'm sorry to hear this Srijita. You're such a sweet person and you don't deserve feeling like this. I hope that sooner rather than later a solution to this becomes apparent for you.

Went better than expected. My therapist actually discharged me - after reviewing my previous 2 sessions and seeing I had made considerable progress in overcoming my SA and had figured out enough ways to cope when I'm feeling anxious. And that can I now recognise my automatic negative thoughts as not true, and - in most cases - irrational. Which is good, so guess CBT has help lessen social anxiety. :D

This is very encouraging news - congratulations! :)


Well-known member
Well I just got home from the party last night. It was the first party I have ever been to and I guess I have mixed reviews.

On one hand before this party I had never been within 5 feet of a female, next thing I know Im stripping a girl down to her bra and thong like a boss and snuggling on the couch and getting cozy and physical. (no sex,I tried so hard)). I was actually so open and I was chatting with girls and discussing terribly naughty things.

On the other hand I drank probably a wee too much. over 10 glasses of vodka and rum, smashed isnt even the word for it. I was up most of the night power puking and I slept on the bathroom floor.

I had felt so confident and happy and I couldnt believe I was being so social. But then came the brutal realization that once the liquor wore off it was more than likely back to the way it was before,and it was just that. In the morning I went back to not saying a single word and sitting far away from the group, the girls that I talked to acted like I didnt even exist.

*sigh* It would have been so nice to actually do it on my own,without the help of alcohol.I feel really sad and annoyed now.


Well-known member
Well I just got home from the party last night. It was the first party I have ever been to and I guess I have mixed reviews.

On one hand before this party I had never been within 5 feet of a female, next thing I know Im stripping a girl down to her bra and thong like a boss and snuggling on the couch and getting cozy and physical. (no sex,I tried so hard)). I was actually so open and I was chatting with girls and discussing terribly naughty things.

On the other hand I drank probably a wee too much. over 10 glasses of vodka and rum, smashed isnt even the word for it. I was up most of the night power puking and I slept on the bathroom floor.

I had felt so confident and happy and I couldnt believe I was being so social. But then came the brutal realization that once the liquor wore off it was more than likely back to the way it was before,and it was just that. In the morning I went back to not saying a single word and sitting far away from the group, the girls that I talked to acted like I didnt even exist.

*sigh* It would have been so nice to actually do it on my own,without the help of alcohol.I feel really sad and annoyed now.

dont be so hard on yourself. This was your first party right? I say that's pretty typical for a party. Yes it would have been great to have done all of this on your own but at least you had fun right? next time just drink to get a buzz not drinkdrankdrunkkk. and yes, girls will act like that the next day. It's nothing about you. I think it's awesome you even went.


Well-known member
On one hand before this party I had never been within 5 feet of a female, next thing I know Im stripping a girl down to her bra and thong like a boss and snuggling on the couch and getting cozy and physical. (no sex,I tried so hard)). I was actually so open and I was chatting with girls and discussing terribly naughty things.

Shame on you, for trying to have sex with a girl you barely know, never been in a relationship with. I would never do that. I'm sorry, but I find it a bit offensive.

I have been desperate for sex many times, but I would never try to shag a girl I barely no or just for sex. I have too much repsect for that, even if it's a prostitute or crappy girls (which there are plenty of crappy/bitchy girls where I live).

Other then that, I hope you enjoyed the party and got to socialize. I avoid parties and only ever been to family gatherings. Last one was in 2006, I think. I just wandered around, wasting time doing nothing really. I'd be bored out of my mind if I were at a party. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I don't like when people do that stuff around me, makes me very uncomfortable. I wouldn't know how to act, so I would swish some alcohol on my breath and sorta act drunk, to hide who I really am and how I really feel. Then, whenever I could, sneak out of there. I would never be there if I was by myself.

I'm glad you got the courage to go.


Well-known member
dont be so hard on yourself. This was your first party right? I say that's pretty typical for a party. Yes it would have been great to have done all of this on your own but at least you had fun right? next time just drink to get a buzz not drinkdrankdrunkkk. and yes, girls will act like that the next day. It's nothing about you. I think it's awesome you even went.

I agree with this. Don't beat yourself up about the fact that alcohol helped you - it's common for people, with anxiety or without, to need a bit of dutch courage now and then, particularly when they're trying to cross the bridge to something they've not done before.
Everything in life takes practise. Once you've been to a couple more parties maybe you won't feel as much need for alcohol. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself :)


Well-known member
I dont think youve been overreacting. I think living with other people in general is stressful. Was this person your friend before you moved in together? If shes making you feel inferior that says to me she's insecure. and even though I don't know you, you seem pretty kind & easy going. I really cannot imagine you being hard to live with. Maybe have a talk with her? Set some house rules? Hope it works out.
Thank you. No, she wasn't my friend although I knew her. I did talk with her about setting some rules but the thing is she doesn't really care when it actually comes to following them. I'm not a super organised person as well but I think having some common rules and atleast trying to follow them never hurt.
I'm sorry to hear this Srijita. You're such a sweet person and you don't deserve feeling like this. I hope that sooner rather than later a solution to this becomes apparent for you.
Thanks twiggle. I hope so too.
Went better than expected. My therapist actually discharged me - after reviewing my previous 2 sessions and seeing I had made considerable progress in overcoming my SA and had figured out enough ways to cope when I'm feeling anxious. And that can I now recognise my automatic negative thoughts as not true, and - in most cases - irrational. Which is good, so guess CBT has help lessen social anxiety. :D

But she said I'm welcome to restart my sessions if I wish after 3 months. I'd just need to phone and ask to be referred to her directly.

But if I wait longer than 3 months, I'd need to make an arrangement for more CBT sessions with my therapist through my GP again. :)
Awesome Graeme. I'm so glad to hear that. :)


Well-known member
Well I just got home from the party last night. It was the first party I have ever been to and I guess I have mixed reviews.

On one hand before this party I had never been within 5 feet of a female, next thing I know Im stripping a girl down to her bra and thong like a boss and snuggling on the couch and getting cozy and physical. (no sex,I tried so hard)). I was actually so open and I was chatting with girls and discussing terribly naughty things.

On the other hand I drank probably a wee too much. over 10 glasses of vodka and rum, smashed isnt even the word for it. I was up most of the night power puking and I slept on the bathroom floor.

I had felt so confident and happy and I couldnt believe I was being so social. But then came the brutal realization that once the liquor wore off it was more than likely back to the way it was before,and it was just that. In the morning I went back to not saying a single word and sitting far away from the group, the girls that I talked to acted like I didnt even exist.

*sigh* It would have been so nice to actually do it on my own,without the help of alcohol.I feel really sad and annoyed now.
This sounds like a very successful party! I've been to a bunch and I've never had the opportunity to strip a girl down and get close to her! Well done, mate. It sounds like the alcohol really helped you out at the party. Alcohol does lower inhibitions, even if we don't feel like it is.

Puking all night. Welcome to the "after" party! ::p: I've experienced my fair share of vomiting and that's the least fun part of a night out.

Don't be sad or annoyed. For your very first party you have done more than I have! Good going.
Lately I feel more hopeless than ever. And not just about myself. About life in general. I feel like everything is horrible and negative. I suppose it's the depression worsening.

At this point it's like I can't think positive thoughts even if I tried, because when I try to it feels like I'm just lying to myself and my mind goes, "Hah! Nice try, but you're not going to fool me."

This may sound weird, but I can't get thoughts of tragic circumstances out of my head, like burn victims and people born with physical defects. People may try and say "they're still people on the inside" but they get treated horrifically. I've seen it.

What hope is there? ::(: No I'm not a burn victim but the sadness of things in the world is getting to me. There's no god and if you're different somehow or are "ugly" or a myriad of awful things, you're screwed.

I really don't know how I'm going to bring my mind back from such awful thoughts. I think I'm stuck this way.


Well-known member
Lately I feel more hopeless than ever. And not just about myself. About life in general. I feel like everything is horrible and negative. I suppose it's the depression worsening.

At this point it's like I can't think positive thoughts even if I tried, because when I try to it feels like I'm just lying to myself and my mind goes, "Hah! Nice try, but you're not going to fool me."

This may sound weird, but I can't get thoughts of tragic circumstances out of my head, like burn victims and people born with physical defects. People may try and say "they're still people on the inside" but they get treated horrifically. I've seen it.

What hope is there? ::(: No I'm not a burn victim but the sadness of things in the world is getting to me. There's no god and if you're different somehow or are "ugly" or a myriad of awful things, you're screwed.

I really don't know how I'm going to bring my mind back from such awful thoughts. I think I'm stuck this way.

You're not the only one. I'm often either depressed or feeling nothing at all. For some reason, whenever I'm in a happy mood. Something will always happen and be either embarrising, or it'll turn me into a bad mood. Literally always. It's like I'm paying the rpice for being happy and I'm not suppose to be happy. So, I avoid being in a really good mood. nI often think about negative stuff, such as car crashes or anything. It's like my brain feeds on that stuff. It's been that way for a awhile. I remember after 9/11, It was on my mind all the time, so depressing. I would obsess over natural desasters and stuff.

I don't tell anyone becuase they don't understand. Whenever I tell anyone about my problems, no one understands. With my lack of social/communication skills. My desciption of anything, is usually vague.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Shame on you, for trying to have sex with a girl you barely know, never been in a relationship with. I would never do that. I'm sorry, but I find it a bit offensive.

Live and let live. You live your life the way you see fit, and so do others. It is not right to shame them, especially on a forum like this where people come for support.


This may sound weird, but I can't get thoughts of tragic circumstances out of my head, like burn victims and people born with physical defects. People may try and say "they're still people on the inside" but they get treated horrifically. I've seen it.

What hope is there? ::(: No I'm not a burn victim but the sadness of things in the world is getting to me. There's no god and if you're different somehow or are "ugly" or a myriad of awful things, you're screwed.

I really don't know how I'm going to bring my mind back from such awful thoughts. I think I'm stuck this way.

I have also noticed that I often think about all the negative in the world, and I also wonder what it is like to be tortured the way many people/animals do or how it feels to die etc. I somehow can´t be indifferent to those things and the world´s suffering. On the other hand, I know that many creatures and people are way happier than me but I am not happy for them because of that. I am only sad when they suffer, but not happy when they are happy. Actually I am happy for animals when I see they are well, but when I see happy people at most I get jealous, ha. (not always).


Well-known member
Thank you. No, she wasn't my friend although I knew her. I did talk with her about setting some rules but the thing is she doesn't really care when it actually comes to following them. I'm not a super organised person as well but I think having some common rules and atleast trying to follow them never hurt.
Is there any chance of moving somewhere else if things don't improve? Hopefully you won't have to spend the rest of the school year being miserable. ::(: At least you've opened the lines of communication and let her know how you feel. If things don't work out, you've done your part and that's all you can do! Hoping things get better though! :)