How are you feeling?


Well-known member
A bit depressed. I feel like I cause too much anguish on this forum.
I wish people knew me better.

Perhaps I should leave. I have a feeling I am indirectly putting people off coming to SPW.
You're not causing any anguish anywhere. Your mind is playing tricks on you.

You want me to know you better? Cross the ditch and let's be roomies! :D

Im all alone in this house & I do not like it one bit. Being alone during the day is OK but not at night..
A lot of people are like this, but I absolutely, positively LOVE having the house to myself, whether it's day or night. I can't think of anything better sometimes. Just wander the house at my leisure and make/buy any food I want, simply because there's nobody there to tell me otherwise. I am almost definitely going to live alone. I can't wait. :)

@mikeyc don't overthink it. in fact, don't think it at all. just pretend you're someone else.
Poor Mikey. ::(: Anxiety is a ________. Good advice @ dottie.
Thanks, ladies. I do need to think about it less. At the moment I'm too stressed out about it, so I'll have to do it later.


Well-known member
Happy since training for my second job went really well. Picked up how to use the new computer with ease, and I didn't have an issue with talking to the cute hockey players ( though it was admittedly nothing more than hellos) :D

On the otherhand, annoyed as well. My neurologist canceled my appointment for this month, and won't reschedule until October. This has happened several times now. This med isn't working and she has yet to find out whats really causing it, so I think it might be time to find someone else.


I dont know. Maybe I just wont post as much. Thanks.
My negativity and constant frustration toward humanity I think is probably not making the place very supportive - which is really what SPW should be about.

Maybe just take a few steps back - play in threads such as post your favourite music and things you like alphabetically in images and the like.

Throw in the odd corny joke once in a while... that sort of thing.

you know I have been having trouble with my ipod lately. I renamed it to 'titanic'
- it's synching now.


Well-known member
not well. consumed. i need help. i want my cat. HE HAS MY CAT. i miss my cat. so angry.
Who has your cat? I would miss my cat if she wasn't here, too.

My negativity and constant frustration toward humanity I think is probably not making the place very supportive - which is really what SPW should be about.
When our outlook is skewed one way, it affects our judgment.

Do what you have to do, my friend, but you'll always have a friend in me. :)

Throw in the odd corny joke once in a while... that sort of thing.

you know I have been having trouble with my ipod lately. I renamed it to 'titanic'
- it's synching now.
Haha, see. You're a good joke-teller. :D


Well-known member
I dont know. Maybe I just wont post as much. Thanks.
My negativity and constant frustration toward humanity I think is probably not making the place very supportive - which is really what SPW should be about.

Maybe just take a few steps back - play in threads such as post your favourite music and things you like alphabetically in images and the like.

Throw in the odd corny joke once in a while... that sort of thing.

you know I have been having trouble with my ipod lately. I renamed it to 'titanic'
- it's synching now.

lol, so witty. But on a serious note, ( and forgive me if I don't word this right) I dont think you alone can bring this site down with " your negativity." I thought this fourm was for venting/giving advice/support/ among other things. I hope you change your mind.


Well-known member
Insignificant. I realised something today that no matter wherever I go or whatever I do, I'll always be the loser whom nobody gives a damn about. Maybe there's just something about me that makes people ignore me. I don't want to be here anymore, I just want to get away to someplace where I don't get treated like dirt.


Well-known member
Insignificant. I realised something today that no matter wherever I go or whatever I do, I'll always be the loser whom nobody gives a damn about. Maybe there's just something about me that makes people ignore me. I don't want to be here anymore, I just want to get away to someplace where I don't get treated like dirt.

Just because some people can't see your worth, you shouldn't put yourself down. I for one think you are a lovely, warm and compassionate person. :)


Insignificant. I realised something today that no matter wherever I go or whatever I do, I'll always be the loser whom nobody gives a damn about. Maybe there's just something about me that makes people ignore me. I don't want to be here anymore, I just want to get away to someplace where I don't get treated like dirt.

I wish I could help you with more than just words on a screen.
I bought a lottery ticket today - I have a good feeling about this one. If I win the 20 million dollars then I will buy your way out of your situation so that you can be free of what is bringing you down.

And a playstation 3... we can play tekken together.

And if I really do win, in the astronomically small chance - I am quite serious about that
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Well-known member
Insignificant. I realised something today that no matter wherever I go or whatever I do, I'll always be the loser whom nobody gives a damn about. Maybe there's just something about me that makes people ignore me. I don't want to be here anymore, I just want to get away to someplace where I don't get treated like dirt.
Hey, I give a damn about you. I give several damns, actually.

You're living with a roommate who you can't get along with, so that's not really going to take you to your happy frame of mind. I'm sorry you feel this way but know that you're a great person with a big heart, so those that ignore you obviously don't know the sweet and caring person that you are.


Well-known member
Insignificant. I realised something today that no matter wherever I go or whatever I do, I'll always be the loser whom nobody gives a damn about. Maybe there's just something about me that makes people ignore me. I don't want to be here anymore, I just want to get away to someplace where I don't get treated like dirt.

I don't think you're a loser. You were one of first people on here that made me feel welcomed. I don't think a loser would show compassion, at least in my opinion. If people ignore you, that's their loss- and simply not worthy of your time anyhow. and I care about you! even tho I'm random lol.


Well-known member
Is there any chance of moving somewhere else if things don't improve? Hopefully you won't have to spend the rest of the school year being miserable. ::(: At least you've opened the lines of communication and let her know how you feel. If things don't work out, you've done your part and that's all you can do! Hoping things get better though! :)
Thanks. No, I don't have anywhere else to go. So I guess I'm kind of stuck here.
^ Sorry to hear, Srijita. If you're having that much of a problem and can't work anything out with her, is there a way to possibly change roommates? Do you have a residential advisor (RA) you can speak to about it?
No, I don't have anyother choice but to
live with her right now.


Well-known member
A bit depressed. I feel like I cause too much anguish on this forum.
I wish people knew me better.

Perhaps I should leave. I have a feeling I am indirectly putting people off coming to SPW.

I don't think you cause anguish on the forum, and I for one love seeing your posts! SPW was worse without you!

I dont know. Maybe I just wont post as much. Thanks.
My negativity and constant frustration toward humanity I think is probably not making the place very supportive - which is really what SPW should be about.

Maybe just take a few steps back - play in threads such as post your favourite music and things you like alphabetically in images and the like.

Throw in the odd corny joke once in a while... that sort of thing.

you know I have been having trouble with my ipod lately. I renamed it to 'titanic'
- it's synching now.

First of all, LOL at the joke. Secondly, many people here feel frustrated with and negative towards people, you provide more of a voice for those people. I hope you continue to post as much!


Srijita, you're not a loser, you're a wonderful, caring person!


How am I feeling? Hmm... Had a bad dream because of a comment my husband made as a joke yesterday... A JOKE! and my mind jumps on it and torments me... Gotta love my mind at times, really(!)


Well-known member
I don't think you're a loser. You were one of first people on here that made me feel welcomed. I don't think a loser would show compassion, at least in my opinion. If people ignore you, that's their loss- and simply not worthy of your time anyhow. and I care about you! even tho I'm random lol.
You're definitely not random to me. Thank you, that means a lot. :)
I wish I could help you with more than just words on a screen.
I bought a lottery ticket today - I have a good feeling about this one. If I win the 20 million dollars then I will buy your way out of your situation so that you can be free of what is bringing you down.

And a playstation 3... we can play tekken together.
Thanks Kia, you're a sweetheart. ^_^


Well-known member
I hope with all the support and encouragement Kia and Srijita are getting will make them realise once and for all that they're awesome. :D


Well-known member
I hope with all the support and encouragement Kia and Srijita are getting will make them realise once and for all that they're awesome. :D
Thank you, I really appreciate all of your support and encouragements. I hope you feel better soon too Kia.
Hey, I give a damn about you. I give several damns, actually.

You're living with a roommate who you can't get along with, so that's not really going to take you to your happy frame of mind. I'm sorry you feel this way but know that you're a great person with a big heart, so those that ignore you obviously don't know the sweet and caring person that you are.
Thanks Mikey, you're super awesome as always. :)