How are you feeling?

I'm feeling good, enjoying the nice weather and creating some compositions, I just played domino's by Jessie J on the piano and recorded it. I feel really happy that I did and I will defenitely play more songs and record more covers today and I will make more compositions on original songs. First I'm gonna hug my pets and I will go visit my grammies today (grandma's) to see how they're doing and to have some comedy laugh and some sad moments I think with my other alzheimer grams. Well, wish me luck.. Feeling uncomfortable there , but still I think it's good to see her ''the last years''. I'ts sad, but what to do, i don't know.


Well-known member
Even tho last nights party was pretty much **** (cold, lots of people ditched us etc), i don't give a ****, i'm pretty much confident and happy :) Going to a Pink Floyd tribute concert tonight which i'm crazy about!


Well-known member
Feelin grrrrrrrrreat!!!! Slept in my own bed lastnight, surrounded by amazing friends, just feeling good. The rest of my recovery should be a breeze now. However I keep staring at my guitar rig and she's just teasing me lol.


Well-known member
The fact that I tend to turn into stumbling, stuttering, awkward wreck whenever I'm in a social situation. And I'm very aware of it.
I'm sorry, unfortunately I'm the same.
Feelin grrrrrrrrreat!!!! Slept in my own bed lastnight, surrounded by amazing friends, just feeling good. The rest of my recovery should be a breeze now. However I keep staring at my guitar rig and she's just teasing me lol.
I'm glad you're feeling great, I hope you recover soon and play the guitar again.
an ugly disgusting cheated joke
What's wrong? I'm sorry you're feeling such way.


Well-known member
Even tho last nights party was pretty much **** (cold, lots of people ditched us etc), i don't give a ****, i'm pretty much confident and happy :) Going to a Pink Floyd tribute concert tonight which i'm crazy about!
Sounds awesome. Well, minus the party.

Feelin grrrrrrrrreat!!!! Slept in my own bed lastnight, surrounded by amazing friends, just feeling good. The rest of my recovery should be a breeze now. However I keep staring at my guitar rig and she's just teasing me lol.
I knew you'd be a lot happier at home. Just don't be tempted by your guitar. You should listen to more music to satiate your cravings!

Feeling unloved and unwanted. Emo-mode on.
I'm sorry. I am feeling like this more frequently myself. It's not good and I do hope you get out of it.


Well-known member
I'm sorry. I am feeling like this more frequently myself. It's not good and I do hope you get out of it.

Thank you! Mike, i'm sorry to hear you are feeling that way more frequently and I hope you can get out of it too because these type of thought are bringing one down a lot.

Is it just me or does one little call or message from some friend help when one is feeling this way? Sadly i'm feeling pretty ignored today by all my friends haha. Everyones so busy.
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