How are you feeling?


deleted #89

I stop going to therapy + group therapy and kinda have this " im on my own " feeling.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Just woke up half an hour ago. Didn't get much sleep last night, feeling tired. Which I think is pretty bad when you consider I'm travelling back up to Glasgow today, another hour long journey there and back.

I'll be alright once I have my breakfast.


Well-known member
just woke up about a half hour ago, so like 4AM lol. A little early but I went to bed at like 8 last night. No sore legs so Im pretty stoked. But it does feel as if my bike seat violated me yesterday lol.
Got thru another day ... just 18.372 days left...
Right now, late at night, as i have been doing since got back on the grog, i am listening to music (tonight is pretty low-key, just "classical") and with the assistance of alcohol, i am feeling "comfortably numb". No more mood problems for me today, no more boredom, no more low-energy ... just complete, blissful, un-thinking numbness. That'll do me! :D
I don't like drastic changes in my routine. Can't think about anything else but what could go wrong.::(:
It feels like I am about to be swept out to the open sea, I like to stay in the shallow water where my feet can still touch the bottom.


Well-known member
There should be a class called respect 101. It's easy to talk about respect and what it is, but if one does not truly know how show it, or don't, it's useless. My last straws have been pulled. I knew it was a calm before the storm. I am going to say what I have to say to a few people, and if they think I am crazy then good, If they think I'm mean then they know that I mean business. I am not going to be a walking mat. I have to let these feelings out and express them no matter how much they hurt. I am not going to repeat stuff and people not get it. So I am going to change my approach. I am so irritated right now, I have been having panic attacks this morning, having mood swings and my mind will not let me rest. Every-time I do I get more upset.


Well-known member
There should be a class called respect 101. It's easy to talk about respect and what it is, but if one does not truly know how show it, or don't, it's useless. My last straws have been pulled. I knew it was a calm before the storm. I am going to say what I have to say to a few people, and if they think I am crazy then good, If they think I'm mean then they know that I mean business. I am not going to be a walking mat. I have to let these feelings out and express them no matter how much they hurt. I am not going to repeat stuff and people not get it. So I am going to change my approach. I am so irritated right now, I have been having panic attacks this morning, having mood swings and my mind will not let me rest. Every-time I do I get more upset.
Yeah, sometimes you just need to change your approch to certain people specially when they really don't understand. Hope you feel better soon :)
I don't like drastic changes in my routine. Can't think about anything else but what could go wrong.::(:
It feels like I am about to be swept out to the open sea, I like to stay in the shallow water where my feet can still touch the bottom.
I can relate to you but maybe sometimes changes can be good. You just need to give it a try though its always hard. Good luck.


Upset and hurt my own sister hasn't come to visit after ive being out of the country for 3 months, and the fact I'm an 8 minute drive away. (I can't visit her, i don't drive/can't get transport). Been home for 4 days now and all I get from her is a 15 second phonecall - I felt like as soon as I picked up the phone she suddenly realised how depressing I am then cut the convo short... too short (basically saying welcome home, hope you had fun and bye). MAKES ME REALISE HOW MUCH OF A DOWNER AND DEPRESSING I AM TO BE AROUND.

The sad part is im even shy/embarrassed/scared of posting this because im so scared of what everyone thinks of me (even though I am just a username on a forum) I know i come off as whiney n being upset over something that probably seems pathetic from an outsiders view. Trying to reassure myself this isnt a place where people are going to judge harshly :p wow i care way too much


Well-known member
Upset and hurt my own sister hasn't come to visit after ive being out of the country for 3 months, and the fact I'm an 8 minute drive away. (I can't visit her, i don't drive/can't get transport). Been home for 4 days now and all I get from her is a 15 second phonecall - I felt like as soon as I picked up the phone she suddenly realised how depressing I am then cut the convo short... too short (basically saying welcome home, hope you had fun and bye). MAKES ME REALISE HOW MUCH OF A DOWNER AND DEPRESSING I AM TO BE AROUND.

The sad part is im even shy/embarrassed/scared of posting this because im so scared of what everyone thinks of me (even though I am just a username on a forum) I know i come off as whiney n being upset over something that probably seems pathetic from an outsiders view. Trying to reassure myself this isnt a place where people are going to judge harshly :p wow i care way too much

Aww I'm sorry you feel that way. But don't you ever feel embarrassed or scared to post something here, that's the point of these forums, to vent what you are afraid of saying irl. If you ever need to talk/vent or just rant about something, feel free to contact me !


Well-known member
Upset and hurt my own sister hasn't come to visit after ive being out of the country for 3 months, and the fact I'm an 8 minute drive away. (I can't visit her, i don't drive/can't get transport). Been home for 4 days now and all I get from her is a 15 second phonecall - I felt like as soon as I picked up the phone she suddenly realised how depressing I am then cut the convo short... too short (basically saying welcome home, hope you had fun and bye). MAKES ME REALISE HOW MUCH OF A DOWNER AND DEPRESSING I AM TO BE AROUND.

The sad part is im even shy/embarrassed/scared of posting this because im so scared of what everyone thinks of me (even though I am just a username on a forum) I know i come off as whiney n being upset over something that probably seems pathetic from an outsiders view. Trying to reassure myself this isnt a place where people are going to judge harshly :p wow i care way too much

There is no need to be embarrassed to post here ...i know how you feel i still check my posts 10 times to see if i i've written something wrong :).
So yeah welcome to the forum.If you need to talk you can always pm/chat me ...don't be shy ,i wont bite hard::p:


Well-known member
Upset and hurt my own sister hasn't come to visit after ive being out of the country for 3 months, and the fact I'm an 8 minute drive away. (I can't visit her, i don't drive/can't get transport). Been home for 4 days now and all I get from her is a 15 second phonecall - I felt like as soon as I picked up the phone she suddenly realised how depressing I am then cut the convo short... too short (basically saying welcome home, hope you had fun and bye). MAKES ME REALISE HOW MUCH OF A DOWNER AND DEPRESSING I AM TO BE AROUND.

The sad part is im even shy/embarrassed/scared of posting this because im so scared of what everyone thinks of me (even though I am just a username on a forum) I know i come off as whiney n being upset over something that probably seems pathetic from an outsiders view. Trying to reassure myself this isnt a place where people are going to judge harshly :p wow i care way too much

Sorry to hear about your sister but don't worry about posting here, we all need to vent from time to time (you should see my posts lol) Hope you feel better and if you ever want to talk I'm here :)