How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Music (& booze for sure!) can help to "bring stuff to surface", so then you are able to deal with the pain better, as its no longer an unknown repressed force - you have at least SOME kind of "handle" for it.
Either play some really sad/bluesy music, or some realy hard-out aggressive music, or both in succession (you may have to search for the right music).
Music is a powerful healer...

It's quite ironic, I used to make music, but haven't made any new songs since last year. I feel like I'm slowly drowning in depression. I'm gonna give some heavy metal a listen, I've never really listened to it. Thanks for the advice.
No worries. Btw i forgot to mention that there are music (which is my fav genre) that COMBINES blues & aggressive - what springs tom mind is Cream, Peter Frampton (which am listening to now), Hendrix ... in fact there's a LOT out there of hard-rock-blues type music .. esp the 70s .. really great stuff. Fleetwood Mac is very bluesy, but not that aggressive.
But you know, whatever "floats your boat"...


Well-known member
actually there is a little tinny light today because I'm gonna have vacations for 2 weeks and I'm going to my home town for a wile.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Bored. Depressed. Worthless. And suicidal, which is starting worry me. Oh, and frustrated because I'm still on the waiting list to get a counselor, so my therapy session haven't started yet. And I'm tired of having to keep up this front of supposedly feeling like this = :D But in reality I feel like this = ::(: But those around me (family) don't want to deal with me when I'm feeling depressed because that makes them depressed as well.


Bored. Depressed. Worthless. And suicidal, which is starting worry me. Oh, and frustrated because I'm still on the waiting list to get a counselor, so my therapy session haven't started yet. And I'm tired of having to keep up this front of supposedly feeling like this = :D But in reality I feel like this = ::(: But those around me (family) don't want to deal with me when I'm feeling depressed because that makes them depressed as well.

Yerr story of my life brahh, the waiting times are terrible, it took them 6 months for them to arrange my first therapy session.


Well-known member
More alone then ever, I'm tired of crying myself to sleep...wondering if I'll ever snap out of this because I can't keep up appearances anymore for others.


Well-known member

I'm considering dropping a subject (which will lighten the load)
I recently purchased a polaroid (to get back into photography, my old passion)
Found a organisation for people with mental illness that seems great and hoping to call them tomorrow and hopefully join them and they can help with my employment.


Well-known member
After being without internet for over a month, I'm finally back ^_^ Hope all of you are doing well :)

I'm considering dropping a subject (which will lighten the load)
I recently purchased a polaroid (to get back into photography, my old passion)
Found a organisation for people with mental illness that seems great and hoping to call them tomorrow and hopefully join them and they can help with my employment.

^That's good to hear :) I hope everything works out for you.
What's wrong?


Well-known member
I'm feeling terrible, just got back from a visit watching everyone be happy and I'm the only person there who is sad...had to really make sure I wouldn't start crying again...