How are you feeling?


Well-known member
My mood has gone from completely pissed off, to annoyed, to overwhelmed and stressed, to sad, to depressed, and now content within the last hour and a half. I think I'm done with these mood swings now. Or at least I hope so.


Well-known member
It is difficult to go into details. I embarrassed myself.
^ Sorry to hear. We've all dealt with that at one point or another, and yes it really sucks. It's hard, but I hope you're able to recover quickly. Dwelling on what has already happened never does any good.


Well-known member
My mood has been aaaalll over the place lately. It's pretty messy. But, I have decided to start evaluating my moods each day and try charting it out on Excel to see if there are any patterns that I'm not aware of. At the very least it will be an interesting experiment and will make me more aware of my emotions.


Well-known member
My mood has been aaaalll over the place lately. It's pretty messy. But, I have decided to start evaluating my moods each day and try charting it out on Excel to see if there are any patterns that I'm not aware of. At the very least it will be an interesting experiment and will make me more aware of my emotions.
I hope that works out for you. Sorry to hear about your erratic moods, though.
Feeling "uneasy", for no particular reason. Sth's just "not right". That's all i know. Can't "pin it down" to more than that... :confused:
Oh well, have another beer, eat more crisps, lol
Feel sad, don't know how to get rid of it. I'm destined to be alone
Music (& booze for sure!) can help to "bring stuff to surface", so then you are able to deal with the pain better, as its no longer an unknown repressed force - you have at least SOME kind of "handle" for it.
Either play some really sad/bluesy music, or some realy hard-out aggressive music, or both in succession (you may have to search for the right music).
Music is a powerful healer...
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