1. Girls Talk To You
Talking to girls in real life is hard. Even if you manage to muster the courage to approach one, she just stares at you vacantly as your brain fumbles for the words to win her heart. Sound familiar? In Skyrim, girls still stare at you vacantly, but all the words you can say are predetermined, removing a great deal of social pressure. Plus, you get to talk about elves and crap like that, which a real-life girl would never subject herself to.
This is what a girl looks like when she is interested in what you have to say:
Adult Swim: Ten Reasons Why Life In Skyrim Will Be Better Than Real Life
I dunno, I get robbed on there all the time. I just walk past a dude in the woods and the dialogue usually goes "Hey umm... this is OUR part of the woods so umm, you gotta pay the woods crossing tax. Oh you dont have any money? Ok time to die" lmao
The Old Republic!!!!!!!!!! W00t! oh yeah. Me an Knuff are gonna kill Republic Scum and Jedis.
My Khajit married the girl at the Riverwood Trader shortly after retrieving the golden claw, early in the game. Pure pragmatism. Free house and 100 gold a day from the start. He's not only a thief: he's a mooch!I married an Argonian dude.. After he called a hit on me because I stole his key. Considering I had already spend 2 hours looking for a suitable spouse, I just had to go into the console and set that bugger straight.. well, sorta speak.