Ever been called a freak and/or a loser?


Well-known member
Yeah i guess, i get called a freak a lot but that doesnt really hurt me tbh. I think words like loony, nutjob, mental and crazy hurt me more deep down which my ex used to say over and over again.
Yes, frequently. I've sort of got used to it actually. It's a bit like being punched in the face so many times that you no longer feel any pain.
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Well-known member
Hmm I've been called a freak sometimes but loser was much more common since I lost at everything.
It's been a while since someone's called me that... but I kinda wish I was - at least then I'd know what people think of me, instead of worrying about it :/
I was told that I'm a loser who's not worthy of true friendship, only good for timepass.

My grandmother told me if I ever wanted to get married, I'd have to change my entire personality.


Well-known member
yea.. but weirdo mostly.. i don't mind being called weird by someone i barely know anyway. i would rather be the weird one or whatever, than the whiney person that has nothing interesting to say but name call..


Well-known member
I've probably been called freak and loser multiple times, but I was not aware.

One instance I remember in my freshman year of high school, we were in class and the teacher was choosing partners for "modules". My name was one of the last to be called out and one girl got partnered with someone just before my name. As she was walking away she said very loudly, "at least I didn't get stuck with that freak who never talks".

It hurt.

p i a n o♬

Well-known member
Mhm, here's the list;


You're weird.

I hate you.


She's so annoying.

It's... not their faults. Really. I'm not good at saying or doing the right thing that everyone will be pleased with me and proud too.

Somethings messed up about me so I don't blame them.


Well-known member
I would like to be called a freak i think it's kinda cool. I'll be happy to be a freak of nature because what's the point of being just the same as everyone. I think the ultimate compliment for me would be 'hey you are a pretty cool freak, or you're super freaking'

I've not been called any of that to my face but i'm sure I have been called weird.
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Well-known member
I've been called:


...asnd some other things it is too hurtful to mention


Well-known member
Oh man where do I start?
Freak, loser, crazy, creepy, weirdo, psycho. Even been called a rapist and i've been called a serial killer/psycho killer multiple times. It's crazy how just a lack of socializing can make people think all kinds of messed up stuff about you. Just so god damned presumptuous.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
p i a n o♬;333728 said:
Mhm, here's the list;


You're weird.

I hate you.


She's so annoying.

It's... not their faults. Really. I'm not good at saying or doing the right thing that everyone will be pleased with me and proud too.

Somethings messed up about me so I don't blame them.

'Loner' isn't really an insult. Some people are loners, and there's nothing wrong with that.

As to the other comments, don't go excusing the ignorance of those who called you those names. It absolutely is their fault, not yours.


Well-known member
Wen I woz at 2ndrie school at beginning ov 3rd yr or grade? I woz in PE (basketball) or (5iverside footie) & woz never good at it 1 ov the other kids in my team said 2 me that I woz so thick it woz unbelievable. Thanks Melvin u c u next tuesday.::(: