Ever been called a freak and/or a loser?


Well-known member
personally,not that i've heard of but if i really look at myself,i can pretty much call myself a loser...here's why,
an only child,only 1 best friend,inactive social life,lone ranger,my extreme shyness,suck at sports,suck academically,never had a gf...sooo yeah....i'm pretty much effed up in my life...yea i know i'm "beating" myself up but that's the facts i must face...it hurts knowing you're a real-life loser,you know...i'm really de-motivated when i think about this...::(:


Well-known member
I was always called a pussy and idiot so much for so long cuz i hanged out with the wrong company... Till i started believing it for so long...


Well-known member
When I was in public School people made fun of me pretty bad, I've been call a freak, loser, stupid, fat.. You name it. In high school I became popular and started sticking up for myself.


Well-known member
I've never been called a 'loser' because that's not really something people say in the UK as an insult. As for freak, I'm not sure. However, I've been called plenty of other insults, or words/sentences intended in an insulting way.

Psycho - whenever I stuck up for myself physically.
Greasy - Because once I went to school when I didn't wash conditioner out of my hair properly, which is unfair, as other girls did and never got insults for it.
I've been asked if I've got mental problems - heh, which I have.
Emo - Because people found out I cut myself.
Weirdo - For being quiet.

There's hundreds of other things, but I'd rather not think of it and list it all out.


Well-known member
I was called NERD and obv weird only because I use to participate in many school competitions and I get good grades.I've tried to prove them the contrary but I've soon realized that I just can't change their view on me. So I gave up.