Ever been called a freak and/or a loser?


Well-known member
McShy wrote:

Yes, thanks..I'm going to get drunk, have a cry and go to bed.


See ya tomorrow! Maybe.


It's times like these i wish i was Tony Robbins. I also forget to add empathetic to the list of your characteristics. Feel better soon my friend - don't stay away too long i'll miss you and then that thought will only make you feel worse - ohuhuh what a little manipulative witch, is nothing beyond this woman. :twisted: So does getting drunk actually work to make you feel better? I've been drunk once and i spent the entire experience obssessing about keeping control over myself.


Well-known member
Gasp - she gets in her tardis and sends off her snot sample to McShy - pheeeeew.
Oh and by the way - Why were you so down yesterday - and feel free to take that mask off if needed - i'm sure i can take it my Scottish Canadian friend.


Well-known member
I been called a loner may times now. I think it implies that I'm actually happy doing things alone, but it couldn't be any further from the truth!


Active member
Hmm, I've been called a loser by like this one group. If you look at it in a different way, they are cowards also as if I was a coward not to stand up for myself. This one guy would kinda bully me everytime I would be BY MYSELF, and he would always be with some friends. This group would throw stuff at me, called me a loser, one of them tried to trip me (by putting his foot out), and one racial comment. When I would be hanging out with my very few friends (ever since elementary) and I would see this guy walk by (even if he was with his friends) he wouldn't dare say anything at me, actually I noticed an awkard impression on his face. Lol, I never told my friends what I was going through in high school.

However, I'm paranoid and anxious. It's like I know a lot of people I encountered in High School thought I was weird, and everybody knew I was a loser; the one who never made any friends. Oh well, last year, lots of people will be graduating, I have to stay an extra year. Being depressed got my grades, *shrugs*. I'm just trying to get myself to "Not care anymore and just mind my own business", even if I am sitting by myself in the cafeteria, all alone in one big table.


Well-known member
Invisible_Alien said:
Yeah, I've been called freak and loser. Actually, I used to be called almost everything in the book from a walking encylopedia to a satanic devil worshiper (just cause I liked heavy metal). Now people tell me I'm the most normal rational person they know :roll: . It used to bother me a lot. I wanted to fit in so badly and never did. Now I accept myself for who I am and think of myself as unique. I couldn't care less what others think of me and no longer try to fit in anywhere. I'm myself and if people don't like it it's their loss. :lol:

I was called a devil worshipper too, for the same reason and because I wore spike jewelry, black clothes, & had pink hair. :roll: Actually I still wear the black clothes(and the spike jewelry occasionally). :wink:


Well-known member
McShy said:
One the other hand apart from that one 'something' we're all supposed to dislike..what about the bags of other somethings we do like? Or don't you read the nice things we all say about you? Maybe we're not loud enough....HEY WE LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks... :) you haven't met me in person though.


Well-known member
So how are you different in person? is the way you act on here a lie? you seem like a nice person but you have to stop putting your self down,because its not true.People here like you and as much as you may dislike the fact you cant scare us all :p you have to cheer up and accept it :lol:


Well-known member
Boundless said:
So how are you different in person? is the way you act on here a lie? you seem like a nice person but you have to stop putting your self down,because its not true.People here like you and as much as you may dislike the fact you cant scare us all :p you have to cheer up and accept it :lol:

Nope. I just mean when people meet me in person, after awhile, they no longer like me anymore.


Well-known member
Then there very strange people :? blame them not your self,unless you actually go out of your way to drive them away from you i dont understand why they all dislike you.Guess you just meet the wrong people :|


Well-known member
Boundless said:
Then there very strange people :? blame them not your self,unless you actually go out of your way to drive them away from you i dont understand why they all dislike you.Guess you just meet the wrong people :|

No, I don't do anything to them. I don't understand it at all...I guess almost everyone on the planet are the wrong people then. I'm convinced I'm from another planet. And I wish I could go back to wherever it is I belong. :?


Well-known member
I guess so :p ,but your not alone.In the past when i used to work i would meet new people and at first things would go ok but over a few weeks they grew to dislike me because i was different,i wasnt successful with the ladys,didnt have a social life like they did and the music i listened to also put them off,now i belive i dont fit in anywhere other than this forum...kinda sad.

Guess thats why i dont go out anymore,i've given up hope on my self,all i do now is try to encourage others :|

Only takes a few people to make you happy right?,im sure we will find them one day.


Well-known member
Boundless said:
I guess so :p ,but your not alone.In the past when i used to work i would meet new people and at first things would go ok but over a few weeks they grew to dislike me because i was different,i wasnt successful with the ladys,didnt have a social life like they did and the music i listened to also put them off,now i belive i dont fit in anywhere other than this forum...kinda sad.

Guess thats why i dont go out anymore,i've given up hope on my self,all i do now is try to encourage others :|

Only takes a few people to make you happy right?,im sure we will find them one day.

:( it's the same for me...some people seem to be ok with me at first, but then they just start hating me for no apparent reason. And when people mention stuff about "my friends" or getting out to do stuff, I never lie...I say I have no friends, and I never really get out(just occasionally to go shopping or watch a movie or something :? and on vacation, which I still go with my parents because they're all I've got)...some people think I'm lying about having no friends when they're just talking to me...then I guess when they meet me, they can see why because they don't want to be around me anymore either. I dont fit in anywhere except this forum either...sometimes I feel like I dont even fit in here...at least some people say they have friends or people who want to be their friends. All I have is my parents(not that I'm not thankful for them--I am). I just hope I die before my parents because they're the only people who have ever cared about me and I dont think I could live without them.


Well-known member
I lied,you did scare me when i first replied to you,and the reason for this is i have a very hard time talking to attractive people such as your self even on forums,every time i reply to your posts i feel slightly anxious,crazy i know but true,im not even out to get into a relation ship just make friends if possible,guess im affraid ill say something stupid and make a fool out of my self even tho your God knows how many miles away.

God i hate been so shy,please dont take this the wrong way but out of all the people on the forums i find it most difficult to chat to you.

Would be nice to have some female friends to chat to,but my lifes pretty boring theres hardly anything to say :x


Well-known member
Boundless said:
I lied,you did scare me when i first replied to you,and the reason for this is i have a very hard time talking to attractive people such as your self even on forums,every time i reply to your posts i feel slightly anxious,crazy i know but true,im not even out to get into a relation ship just make friends if possible,guess im affraid ill say something stupid and make a fool out of my self even tho your God knows how many miles away.

God i hate been so shy,please dont take this the wrong way but out of all the people on the forums i find it most difficult to chat to you.

Would be nice to have some female friends to chat to,but my lifes pretty boring theres hardly anything to say :x

me? 8O I'm not attractive though, or at least I don't think so.
don't feel too bad, my life is extremely boring...so I never really have anything to say. Yours has to at least be more interesting than mine, I'm sure


Well-known member
Yes you,and i can put in a very good challange on the most boring life award on these forums,ok picture this,i get up and go down stairs and switch my pc on.Thats it all day untill i goto sleep of course i eat during the day.

But i dont go out,because i have sp pretty bad i cant even leave the house without the anxiety kicking in,thats when i can actually manage to get out,usualy with a support worker.


Well-known member
I guess we are kind of equall then :lol: i tried a few of those bands you put up,still have a lot to try,i liked disturbed (voices,stupified) and scarling(beautiful) some of the trivium were ok,you not like metallica? there my fav band,some of there good songs are fade to black,unforgiven 1+2,nothing else matters,untill it sleeps,hero of the day,enter sandman,the memory remains,the call of ktulu.Well there my personal fav songs(alot i know).

Musics pretty much all i have,the occasional chat on msn.


Well-known member
Good :p right time to convert another non believer :D

I need some more music,my play lists only 4 hours long :x my step bro has
like 4+ gb of music alone,i only have 1 =/