Ever been called a freak and/or a loser?


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Sorry to bother you,but that list you made (of bands/groups) can you make a smaller list of the ones you cinsider the best? or maybe 2 songs you like best per band? save me going through all the songs of every band.


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Proud to be a freak

I was called a loser throughout middle school and high school; my older sister was the only person to call me a full fledged freak to my face. Its awful to go through school and always be considered a freak or a outsider just because you're a little quiet or weird. However, you can learn to accept your inner freak and become a stronger person for it. Also, I bet the ones who called you a "freak" was too scared to release their own inner freak due to peer pressure or their social status, maybe they even envy you for it. All that I can say to you is to enjoy your inner freak and express it, trust me, it is a lot more fun being a freak than being normal. :)


Well-known member
Hi shyandnumb - siblings? My sister has called me 'evil' because i don't express my emotions - you gotta love em - i'm being very sarcastic there.
And i love your attitude too. :D


Well-known member
A good respond for another respond

Thanks, I'm glad someone does appreciate my attitude. For some strange reason, most people are either scared off by it or consider it to be to foolish and I have no idea why. :? Anyway, thanks for responding to forum topic (it sound so logical and much better than getting druck, since I don't like to drink any kind of beer or other alcoholic drink just to calm my nerves or numb them :x . You can get addicted to using it as cure for solving all your problems over time. ) because I thought nobody would respond to it at all. I was wondering what your inner freak was like, is it completely crazy or like to surprise people at least likely moment. I actually curious to find out, its not to tease you or anything, I'm just curious.


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Most people don't appreciate anything that sways from the 'norm' - you know it is these normal folk with their up turned nose attitudes that create and perpetuate prejudice. That is why i like anyone who is brave enough to be different and unusual - i love it - the different the better.
I'm with you about not trying to solve my problems with alcohol - who needs another demon to try and get over - not i for one, i have my hands full with my little SP playmate :twisted:
My inner freak isn't crazy or anything just a bit unusual - inside i am pretty playful and i like to be a goofball and speak with a shakespearean tongue and such - but alas i get funny looks when i dare to indulge this side of myself so i don't. How about you?


Well-known member
I release my inner freak in a sercetive way such as:

* taking hours on the internet behind my family's back reading fanfiction on several animes like Yugioh, inuyasha (my favorite), Rurouni Kenshin, and Triguin when I suppose to do my schoolwork. They can be very addictive. :)

* studying astrology, ancient myths, the supernatural without my family's knowledge

* taking weird online personality quizzes like "What is your element?" or " Are you braindead?" :lol:

*playing strange online puzzle games on i-am-bored.com and yahoo!games

* adddicted to supernatural romances with mythical creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and elves (my favorite kind) 8)

*listen to gothic and sad love songs to get me in a creative mood to write poetry or to draw.

*teasing my siblings to point til want to attack me :twisted:

So, this strange persona can be a lot of fun to have but not very useful in other settings that are dull or too serious. Hopeful, I won't have to lose this persona during the trials of my life, because really I just another dull, good - two - shoes girl without a life. Now that will be a shock. 8O


I was never called a loser in hs but ppl prolly thought I was. I avoided everyone and everything in hs so I wouldn't get hurt. I was invisible...and I hated and liked it at the same time.


Well-known member
sillsbs said:
I was never called a loser in hs but ppl prolly thought I was. I avoided everyone and everything in hs so I wouldn't get hurt. I was invisible...and I hated and liked it at the same time.

I want though the same thing. My classmates never really call me a "loser" aloud, but somehow I know they were saying it behind my back. :evil: Or maybe I was too paranora about people talking behind my back. :? Also, I used the same strategy in school, especially with bullies. It can make you feel unreal or like a ghost stuck to the wall and can be painful at times. :(
All through Junior High and High School I was called a freak, witch, lesbian- it was a small town in the 80's, so pretty much anyone with a small bit of creativity was burned at the stake. It's probably the same in school now- even though characters like Napoleon Dynamite are celebrated I don't think real life nerds are treated any better.


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From my observations and experiences as a student in high school, nerds are treated worser than other clinques like goths despite their movie stereotype fame. :?


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i think i've dated a couple of them myself... what don't look at me like that?

i don't think i've been called any of these names. But i do have low self esteem. And i don't know why.
I've been called:

*stupid, retard, idiot..lol I have a very high IQ and make hundreds on nearly all my test.

*freak, loser, a nobody(this one hurt)

* the Antichrist.....because I am so charming?

*fugly...am not bad looking actually.

and lots of other stuff, I swear people at my high school wouldn't let me breathe without over analyzing it. At one point I didn't want to get to use the bathroom in fear that they would make fun of how I got out of my chair, or make up some crazy story of what I was doing...since I am obviously an alien who does not pee, I could not possibly be going to the bathroom to use it.

Oh and most of my school was convinced I was a crackhead, because they make me so anxious that I would have panic attacks. I also stopped talking and to this day I still have trouble having a normal conversation. And I am scared to show excitement or have energy because I assume people will think I am on drugs.....


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Not really, because I've always sort of done my own thing so I was never around anyone else to hear the bad stuff. I was never bullied in school and noone ever got in my face, but then again I am 6'5'' and was always the biggest guy around. It was at the end of high school when the school yearbook came out that I saw people had written things like "good luck in college, don't kill yourself!" under my photo, which kind of threw me for a loop at the time. Apparently I've always given off the depressed vibe. I haven't had anyone call me a freak or loser in my adult life, but enough people have expressed concern about me. I am known as overly-sensitive though, so a lot of folks feel that they have to walk on eggshells around me. I suppose that's the reason nobody has ever been openly offensive to my face.
I've been called both a loser and a freak.

When people call me a loser I simply reply ''What have I lost?''. As 'loser' is a person who has lost something, otherwise it's just a childish, empty and very superficial insult. As far as insults go, it's a very lazy one.

And freak, well.. that one is just true for me. So I take that as stating the obvious. :rolleyes: